Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups and Collaborative Research Centres

The Emmy Noether Programme supports researchers in achieving independence at an early stage of their scientific careers. Postdocs gain the qualifications required for a university teaching career during a DFG-funded period, usually lasting five years, in which they lead their own independent junior research group.

An Emmy Noether independent junior research group can be associated with a Collaborative Research Centre at the same location which is conducting research into an appropriate subject. This allows the independent junior research group to be integrated into an excellent research environment. As a full member of the Collaborative Research Centre Group, the leader of the independent junior research group shares in its key resources (such as funding for guests, travel and events and flat-rate allowances). The Collaborative Research Centre decides on the association in accordance with its rules. Independently of the association with the Emmy Noether Group, researchers funded under the Emmy Noether Programme can attract projects of their own to the Collaborative Research Centre.

Collaborative Research Centres are encouraged to approach suitably qualified early career researchers and to make them aware of the opportunities and benefits of integrating an Emmy Noether independent junior research group. One important incentive to set up an Emmy Noether independent junior research group in association with a Collaborative Research Centre is the attractive career prospects available to group leaders who have successfully passed an interim evaluation. These opportunities are offered with the aim of building up local research structures.