Individual Grants Programmes
Researchers who have completed their academic training (as a rule, those who hold a doctorate) are eligible to submit project proposals with a defined thematic focus and project duration.
- Research Grant(interner Link)
Research grants enable individuals who have completed their academic training to conduct at any time research projects with clearly defined topics and durations, regardless of the subject. - Scientific Network(interner Link)
Scientific networks offer early career researchers the opportunity to engage in scientific exchange and cooperation on topics of common interest across locations. - Research Fellowship(interner Link)
Research Fellowships are intended to help early career researchers to conduct a defined project at a location of their choice in a country other than Germany and to use it as an opportunity to familiarise themselves with new research methods or to bring a large project to a conclusion. - Emmy Noether Programm(interner Link)
The Emmy Noether Programme gives exceptionally qualified early career researchers the chance to qualify for the post of professor at a university by leading an independent junior research group for a period of six years.
The programme is open to postdocs and junior professors with temporary contracts who are at an early stage in their research careers. - Heisenberg Programm(interner Link)
If you already meet all the requirements for appointment to a permanent professorship, you can apply to the Heisenberg Programme. While you prepare for a future senior academic role, the DFG provides funding to enable you to carry on with high-quality research at the institution of your choice and continue building your academic reputation. - Reinhart Koselleck Project(interner Link)
This programme enables outstanding researchers with a proven scientific track record to pursue exceptionally innovative, higher-risk projects. - Clinical Trial(interner Link)
The Clinical Trials Programme enables individuals who have completed their academic training to conduct at any time patient-oriented clinical research within a temporary project. The programme provides funding for interventional clinical studies, including feasibility studies (phase II) and interventional trials (phase III). The programme also funds observational trials, provided that the study investigates a highly relevant research question that cannot demonstrably be answered using an interventional design. - Workshops for Early Career Investigator(interner Link)
Workshops for early career investigators are a strategic funding instrument. These are aimed particularly at established researchers seeking to address a perceived lack of early-career researchers in their field by holding workshops for early career investigators on specific topics. - Project Academie(interner Link)
The aim of project academies is to enable professors from universities of applied sciences to engage in research projects based on DFG third-party funding at an early stage in their careers.