Middle East Collaboration
Within the framework of individual grants, the DFG supports German-Israeli collaborative projects, sometimes involving additional partners from Palestine or from Israel’s neighbouring countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria). In addition to their own funding, researchers in Germany can apply for project-related financial resources for the international parts of the project, which, if the application is granted, are to be passed on to the project partners in the Middle East.
Middle East collaborations can be funded for up to six years. First-time proposals cover a period of three years. The Middle East collaboration combines the previous funding instruments “Research Grant for Cooperation with Israel” and “Trilateral Projects”.
The DFG supports research projects carried out by researchers in Germany in partnership with researchers in Israel. The aim is to strengthen cooperation between researchers in the two countries. In addition, it is possible to integrate Palestinian researchers. In suitable cases, a Middle East collaboration may integrate researchers from one of Israel’s neighbours (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria), instead of or as well as Palestinian partners.
Eligibility Requirements
Researchers in all disciplines at German research institutions who have completed research training (generally a doctorate) with due regard for the rules relating to the duty to cooperate (Guidelines 55.01).
Not eligible: Employees of institutions with purely commercial aims; employees of institutions which are not permitted to publish results in a generally accessible form.
Type and Extent of Funding
Research grant (Guidelines 50.01); for the international partners, financial resources for staff, travel, consumables and scientific instrumentation (only up to €10,000 per item of instrumentation may be applied for). The DFG funds the project costs of all participating partners. The German recipient passes on the funds to the international partners as set out in the award.
Funding Duration
As a rule, funding is provided for up to six years (with a three-year initial phase)
Forms and Guidelines
Initial proposal (up to three years): No submission deadline
Renewal proposal (up to three years)
Before submitting a proposal, please contact the relevant subject-specific contact person at the DFG's Head Office:
Or the regional specific contact person at the DFG's Head Office:
Further information on funding opportunities for cooperation with Israel can be found here: