Dr. Helene Jessula Wczesniak Programme Officer

Humanities and Social Sciences 1: Humanities and Cultural Studies
E-mail: helene.jessulawczesniak@dfg.de Telephone: +49 (228) 885-3347 Telefax: +49 (228) 885-713320

Kennedyallee 40
53175 Bonn

Scientific Areas of Responsibility

Main Contact
1.15-01 German Medieval Studies (Medieval German Literature)
1.15-02 German Literary and Cultural Studies (Modern German Literature)
1.15-03 European and American Literary and Cultural Studies
1.15-04 General and Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies

Coordinated Programmes (scientific matters)

2020 Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective
2130 Minor Cosmopolitanisms
2190 The Literary and Epistemic History of Small Forms
2244 Authority and Trust in American Culture, Society, History and Politics
2291 Contemporary/Literature. History, theory, and praxeology
2560 Baltic Peripeties. Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes
2726 The Sentimental in Literature, Culture, and Politics
2806 Literature and the Public Sphere in Differentiated Contemporary Cultures
2845 Family Matters. Figures of Allegiance and Release
2999 Enlightenment Politics
1369 Cultures of Vigilance. Transformations - Spaces - Practices
1391 Different Aesthetics

Coordinated Programmes (procedural matters)

2288 Journal Literature: Rules of Format, Visual Design, and Cultures of Reception
2568 Philology of Adventure
5500 Collaborations: Assemblages, Articulations, Alliances
2130 Cultures of Translation in Early Modern Times
2207 Computational Literary Studies