RSS feeds from the DFG
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What is an RSS feed?
RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a defined data format which can be evaluated by programs known as RSS readers. An RSS reader is comparable to a news ticker. At specified intervals, it checks one or more news sources (RSS feeds) and informs the user of updates.
How can an RSS feed be used?
To use RSS feeds, you need an RSS reader. Free RSS readers are available on the Internet for all operating systems. RSS feeds can also be shown in some e-mail programs (e.g. Outlook).
What RSS feeds are available from the DFG website?
- Information for Researchers RSS fee(externer Link)
Calls for DFG funding programmes and funding-related news - Pressemitteilungen/Press Releases RSS feed (German and English(externer Link)
Press releases and news of interest to the public from the DFG's statutory bodies and Head Office - Press Releases RSS feed (English(externer Link)
Press releases and news of interest to the public from the DFG's statutory bodies and Head Office