Report a barrier
Feedback and contact details
We consistently endeavour to improve accessibility on www.dfg.d(interner Link) and look forward to receiving your feedback. Please report any pages of our website on which you notice weak points. If you send an e-mail to barrierefreiheit@dfg.d(externer Link) or call +49 (228) 885-2686, we will respond right away. You will initially receive confirmation of receipt, after which we will contact you as soon as possible.
Arbitration procedure
If you report an infringement, we will endeavour to respond satisfactorily within a reasonable period of time. If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to contact an arbitration service in accordance with Section 16 BGG. The arbitration service will then work with you and with us to determine the circumstances of the lack of accessibility so that we can rectify the problem to everyone’s satisfaction.
The arbitration procedure is free of charge, and you do not require legal assistance.
You will find full details of the arbitration procedure on the websites of the arbitration services. Here, you can find out how the arbitration procedure works and how to apply for arbitration. Your request can also be submitted in plain language or in German sign language.
How to contact the arbitration service:
Arbitration Service pursuant to the German Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
Mauerstraße 53, D-10117 Berlin, Tel.: 030 18 527-2805, Fax: 030 18 527-2901
info@schlichtungsstelle-bgg.d(externer Link), Arbitration service websit(externer Link)