Tastatur, die das Wort "Barrierefreiheit" auf einer Taste zeigt

Accessibility Statement

The DFG makes every effort to ensure this website and its mobile applications are accessible in accordance with the provisions of the German Act on Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz – BGG) and the  German Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (Barrierefreien-Informationstechnik-Verordnung – BITV 2.0) for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

This statement applies to www.dfg.de

Status of compatibility with the requirements

Accessibility requirements are set out in Sections 3 (1) to (4) and 4 BITV 2.0, which was enacted based on Section 12d BGG. This website was subjected to a simplified BITV test on 29 February 2024 and did not meet some of the requirements of BITV. The DFG works continuously to improve the accessibility of its website.

Non-accessible content: WCAG level A

The following items with WCAG level A are not accessible. The DFG is working on these items as a matter of high priority.

Text alternatives

  • Alternative texts for non-text items: The links to internal or external content are of a type that cannot be perceived by screen readers.
  • Alternative texts for non-text items: Some images and graphics are not named.

Time-based media

  • Alternatives to video content are only provided in some cases.


  • Structure: Header and heading structures are not all correct.
  • Structure: Lists: There are lists that contain a single entry consisting of a link.
  • Information items: Buttons are not sufficiently perceivable in high-contrast mode.


  • Pages have several unlabelled regions.
  • No skip links are provided.
  • Focus sequence: The main focus does not jump to the cookie banner.
  • Focus sequence: The button to return to the top of the page is at the bottom of the page and only remains visible for a short time.


  • In the newsletter form, the message displayed after sending an incorrect form is not compatible with a screen reader.


  • In the search dialogue window, suggestions made after entering three characters are not displayed in a format that is compatible with a screen reader.
  • The search field on the search page is not labelled.
  • The “Close” button on the video page is not labelled.

Non-accessible content: WCAG level AA

The following items with WCAG level AA are not accessible:

Time-based media 

  • Audio descriptions of video content are only provided in some cases.


  • Newsletter registration form fields are not labelled with the autocomplete attribute.


  • The contrast in the footer is insufficient.
  • The newsletter registration form is not usable when the screen is significantly enlarged.
  • The breadcrumb has to be scrolled horizontally in the case of significant enlargement.
  • The active lines are difficult to perceive in the slider pagination on the homepage.


  • The slider elements on the homepage and the group name are not described in a meaningful way.
  • The keyboard focus for the search is not visible on the magnifying glass icon.
  • Videos and the associated play buttons both receive the focus but result in the same action.


  • A differing language in individual sections is not labelled (e.g. in the search).


  • The PAC3 test does not show compliance with the PDF/UA standard.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 21 June 2024.

Feedback and contact details

We consistently endeavour to improve accessibility on www.dfg.de and look forward to receiving your feedback. Please report any pages of our website on which you notice weak points. If you send an e-mail to   or call +49 (228) 885-2686, we will respond right away. You will initially receive confirmation of receipt, after which we will contact you as soon as possible. 

Arbitration procedure

If you report an infringement, we will endeavour to respond satisfactorily within a reasonable period of time. If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to contact an arbitration service in accordance with Section 16 BGG. The arbitration service will then work with you and with us to determine the circumstances of the lack of accessibility so that we can rectify the problem to everyone’s satisfaction.

The arbitration procedure is free of charge, and you do not require legal assistance.

You will find full details of the arbitration procedure on the websites of the arbitration services. Here, you can find out how the arbitration procedure works and how to apply for arbitration. Your request can also be submitted in plain language or in German sign language.

How to contact the arbitration service:

Arbitration Service pursuant to the German Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities