Polish-German Collaboration on Joint Projects in Physical, Life and Engineering Sciences
NCN-DFG funding initiative OPUS LAP (formerly Beethoven CLASSIC 3/LIFE 1)
In order to strengthen international academic cooperation, and with a desire to fund high-quality scien-tific research within their own countries and an awareness that some of the best research can be deliv-ered by working with the best researchers internationally, the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) are announcing a joint call for proposals in physical, life and engineering sciences.
The initiative provides funding for integrated Polish-German research projects of outstanding scientific quality. For this year’s call the NCN will act as lead agency, i.e. joint proposals describing the bilateral projects as a whole must be submitted firstly to NCN, which will be responsible for processing proposals and conducting the review process. The DFG will require a copy of the proposal documents to be submitted via elan, its electronic proposal processing system.
It is important to note that there are no separate funds available for this call, proposals must succeed on the strengths of their intellectual merit in competition with all other proposals in the respective funding schemes of DFG and NCN.
When preparing the full proposals, please review the following information:
- NCN proposal preparation instructions for OPUS LAP
- DFG’s webpage for this call
Deadline for proposal submission to the lead agency NCN is 15 December 2020, 4 p.m.
Please note that proposals in the social sciences and the humanities must be submitted under the scope of the “Beethoven CLASSIC 4” funding scheme. Applicants for transdisciplinary projects should decide which call best matches their proposal. As a general rule, proposals submitted to “Beethoven CLASSIC 4” cannot be transferred to OPUS LAP and vice versa.
This initiative covers the subject areas of DFG review boards/Fachkollegien 201–207, 307–318, 321–327, 401–410 and NCN panels ST1–ST10 and NZ1–NZ9.
(Proposals in subject 317-02 with a clear humanities and social sciences focus must be submitted under Beethoven CLASSIC 4.)
Please note the DFG’s data protection notice on research funding. If necessary, please also forward this information to those persons whose data the DFG processes because they are involved in your project.
Further Information
NCN webpage on OPUS LAP:
NCN privacy policy:
DFG privacy policy:
Beethoven CLASSIC 4 call for proposals:
DFG contacts:
Life Sciences:
- Dr. Katharina Hartmann,
phone +49 228 885-2342,
katharina.hartmann@dfg.de(externer Link)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences:
- Dr. Ilka Paulus,
phone +49 228 885-2021,
ilka.paulus@dfg.d(externer Link)
General inquiries on cooperation with Poland:
- Dr. Annina Lottermann, International Affairs,
phone +49 228 885-2802,
annina.lottermann@dfg.d(externer Link)
NCN contacts:
Scientific Coordinator:
- Dr. Ewelina Szymańska-Skolimowska,
ewelina.szymanska-skolimowska@ncn.gov.p(externer Link)
General affairs:
- Dr. Magdalena Godowska,
magdalena.godowska@ncn.gov.p(externer Link) - Magdalena Dobrzańska-Bzowska,
magdalena.dobrzanska-Bzowska@ncn.gov.p(externer Link)