Information für die Wissenschaft Nr. 15 | 12. Februar 2021

German Sustainability Science Summit 2021

Call for Session Proposals

Deutsches Komitee für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (DKN, German Committee Future Earth) is a scientific advisory body of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) on topics of sustainability research on national and international level. Moreover, the DKN is the national contact point and platform for activities within the international research programme for global sustainability „Future Earth“, and the „World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)“. The DKN regularly holds the German Future Earth Summit. This is an announcement for a call for session proposals taking place at the German Sustainability Science Summit, the fourth event in the German Future Earth Summit series.

The DKN fosters interdisciplinary, integrative sustainability research in a national and international context and thus promotes cooperation between the disciplines. The aim is to advance research activities that promote the paths towards a globally sustainable development and society, tackle problems systemically and generate societally relevant knowledge. The DKN offers a platform for exchange and networking on sustainability research to the German scientific community and promotes its further development.

On 8/9 July 2021, the German Sustainability Science Summit 2021 will take place as an interactive virtual event. The summit continues the series of the German Future Earth Summits organised by the DKN.

The fourth summit will provide a platform for exchange on the latest scientific findings in the field of sustainability research. It will cover a range of topics from normativity, epistemology and attainability of sustainable development over extreme events, resilience, social cohesion and well-being to climate change, biodiversity, diet and health. Besides scientific sessions with presentations and discussions, a panel discussion, an interactive poster session and other interactive formats will provide room for exchange, discussion and networking across the international science community working on sustainability related topics – within and across disciplines. An update of the recent developments of Future Earth as well as chances to connect to the Future Earth network will complement the programme.


We invite session proposals on topics complementing or detailing the range of topics from normativity, epistemology and attainability of sustainable development over extreme events, resilience, social cohesion and well-being to climate change, biodiversity, diet and health.

Sessions will have a duration of 60 minutes and can host talks (by invitation or call for contributions) or include any workshop or discussion formats.

The deadline for submission of session proposals is 15 March 2021.

Please submit your proposal including title, short description and expected outcome of the proposed session as well as basic personal information (name, affiliation and position) of you, as the potential session host, and any potential co-hosts as one pdf document to . Feedback on session proposals will be provided within three weeks after the submission deadline.

Further Information

Please find more information on the call and the German Sustainability Science Summit 2021:

For more information about the work of the DKN, please refer to:

Proposals must be addressed to:

For further enquiries, please contact the DKN organiser:

Contact at the DFG: