Information für die Wissenschaft Nr. 41 | 8. Juni 2022

New Indo-German Funding Initiative in Medical Research

Pilot Call for Proposals in Toxicology

Having concluded a joint Memorandum of Understanding in December 2021, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) wish to announce the beginning of a joint funding initiative for the benefit of Indo-German collaboration in medical research.

In their first joint call under the new funding initiative, the two agencies invite proposals for joint Indo-German academic research projects in the field of toxicology (e.g. experimental and molecular, environmental, food and chemical, occupational, regulatory, or systemic toxicology, as well as new approach methods). For suggestions regarding possible project topics, please see the Annex under the link given below under “Further Information”.

The agencies are particularly interested in proposals submitted by teams of principal investigators with some initial cooperation experience. Projects with potential medical relevance may be prioritised.

Specification of projects

Projects within this funding initiative have a duration of three years. Proposals can include fund requests for personnel, consumables, instruments, joint workshops, travel and other items (for details, see below). ICMR and DFG expect that proposals submitted under this funding initiative describe ambitious projects which do not just benefit from, but essentially require international collaboration to achieve the defined objectives. While all researchers can apply, the call particularly addresses Indo-German teams who already have a track record of joint research.

On the German side, the regulations governing the funding opportunity, follow the funding line “Sachbeihilfe”/“Research Grants” (see the DFG guidelines 50.01). This includes the duty to cooperate (“Kooperationspflicht”) within Germany for members of non-university institutions with permanent positions. For more information see the corresponding guidelines for the Research Grants Programme (DFG form 50.01).

On the Indian side, refer to the information given on the ICMR Electronics Project Management System (e-PMS) (see link below).

Shortlisted proposals on the Indian side will be required to obtain Health Ministry’s Screening Committee (HMSC) approval as a prerequisite before the grant can be released.

Proposal and submission

Proposals must be written in English and clearly marked as ICMR-DFG proposals (as part of the project title). They must be submitted to both ICMR and DFG in parallel in accordance with the proposal preparation requirements of each side, respectively.

While conforming to the different respective regulations, forms and submission procedures of the two agencies, the project descriptions must be identical in their scientific substance. As the projects must be fully integrated Indo-German research projects, it is expected that the proposals contain detailed information about the mode and essentiality of collaboration between the Indian and the German side.

German researchers can only apply for funds for the German side of a joint project; Indian researchers can only apply for funds for the Indian side of a joint project.

The deadline for submission of proposals in this funding initiative is 30 September 2022.

Visits and meetings between the Indian and the German side

For German scientists visiting Indian labs:

The sending side will bear the travel costs (including medical overseas insurance, visa fees, etc.) from its place of work in the home institution to the place of work in the host institution while the receiving side will provide local hospitality according to the norms of respective sides. The Indian side will provide Rs 2,500/- per day as per-diem plus a well-furnished institutional guest house; accommodation is subject to maximum of Rs 4,000/- per day if the accommodation is arranged outside the institute premises on non-availability of accommodation at the institute of visit.

For Indian scientists visiting German labs:

The sending side will bear the travel costs (including medical overseas insurance, visa fees, etc.) from its place of work in the home institution to the place of work in the host institution. All German applicants are asked to request adequate funds (according to the applicable state travel law, “Landesreisekostengesetz”) for expenses on the accommodation and per diem of the Indian guests visiting their lab.

Joint workshops must be financed from the side where they take place. German applicants will detail their budgets both in the proposal file and in the online form on the elan portal. Indian applicants will detail their budgets in the ICMR application form. A short overview about the costs of the respective partner should be listed in the proposal.

German researchers have to submit the proposals electronically via the elan portal; Indian researchers have to submit the proposals online through the ICMR Electronics Project Management System (e-PMS) (see link below).

Review and evaluation

The proposals will be evaluated separately by ICMR and DFG on the basis of the projects’ scientific merit/quality, the justification for scientific collaboration and the qualifications as well as the compatibility of the participating team members.

The results of the review process will be shared between the agencies. Funding will be granted for only those proposals where both ICMR and DFG recommend funding. Unilateral funding of only one part of a joint initiative will not be possible.

German applicants are advised about the DFG’s data protection notice on research funding, which can be viewed and downloaded at Link) . If necessary, please also forward this information to those individuals whose data will be processed by the DFG due to their involvement in your project.

Detailed submission instructions

Prior to proposal submission to DFG (for German applicants):

Applicants are advised to contact Dr. Ziegler (contact details below) before detailing their proposals.

Please ensure that the applicants on the German side have a valid account with up-to-date contact information on the proposal submission portal elan. If not, please request/update your account as early as possible and no later than 23 September 2022.

To submit a proposal to DFG (for German applicants):

Please follow the “Guidelines for the Research Grants Programme” (DFG form 50.01) and the “Proposal Preparation Instructions – Project Proposals” (DFG form 54.01). When submitting on the elan portal, please use the link “Proposal for a Research Grant” in the Proposal Forms column (Proposal Submission > New Project > Individual Grants Programme > Proposal for a Research Grant). Please select “India-ICMR-DFG 2022” to tag your proposal for this specific call.

To submit a proposal to ICMR (for Indian applicants):

The Indian investigators need to submit applications online through the ICMR Electronics Project Management System (e-PMS).

1. Open the ICMR Electronics Project Management System (e-PMS) portal.

2. The project proposal submission is a three steps process in e-PMS.

  • Step 1: PI registration/login
  • Step 2: Verify email ID and complete/update PI profile
  • Step 3: Apply for grant through submission of Ad-hoc proposal. Click on Proposal Submission -> Submit New Proposal -> Select Program -> Choose ICMR Ad-hoc Project Program -> click to proceed button and application form will be opened. In form point No. 9a (Is this proposal against any advertisement?) select Advertisement (ICMR – DFG – Call for Proposals 2022).

Further Information

Annex to DFG-IMCR 2022 Call for Proposals in Toxicology:

To the DFG forms 50.01 and 54.01:

DFG’s Electronic Proposal Processing System for Applicants – elan:

Please note that the corresponding applicants in India need to be entered as “cooperation partners” in the elan web form.

Further information on elan and FAQ about using elan:

DFG’s data protection notice:

ICMR proposal formatting instructions:

ICMR Electronics Project Management System (e-PMS) portal:

Contact persons:

At DFG Head Office:

At the DFG India Office in New Delhi:

At ICMR, New Delhi:

  • Dr. Harpreet Sandhu
    Scientist G
    International Health Division (IHD)
    Indian Council of Medical Research
    Ansari Nagar
    New Delhi - 110 029, India
    telefax: +91 11 26589492
  • Dr. Heena Tabassum
    Scientist D
    Basic Medical Sciences Division
    Indian Council of Medical Research
    Ansari Nagar
    New Delhi - 110 029, India
    phone: +91 11 26588707 (Ext: 389)

Alternate officials:

  • Dr. Mukesh Kumar
    Scientist G and Head
    International Health Division (IHD)
    Indian Council of Medical Research
    Ansari Nagar
    New Delhi - 110 029, India
    telefax: +91 11 26588755
  • Dr. Nabendu Chatterjee
    Scientist G and Head
    Basic Medical Sciences Division
    Indian Council of Medical Research
    Ansari Nagar
    New Delhi - 110 029, India
    phone: +91 11 26589791