Second Phase of AEI-DFG Pilot Call in the Fields of Psychology, Particle and Nuclear Physics, and Atmospheric Science, Oceanography and Climate Research
Pre-announcement for joint research projects between Spain and Germany
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, Spanish State Research Agency) announce the second pilot call for basic research projects in the following areas:
- Psychology. AEI: Area Psychology (PSI), DFG Review Board 1.22.
- Particle and Nuclear Physics (FPN Subarea), Physics Area (FIS), DFG Review Board 3.24.
- Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate Research. Subareas CYA and MAR in the area of Environmental Sciences and Technologies (CTM). In both cases DFG Review Board 3.41.
In this second pilot call, the Spanish principal investigator (PI) will be responsible for submitting the bilateral proposal in the call for “Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento”, PID2024, of the AEI. Upon submission to the AEI, the German PI needs to submit a copy of the proposal via the DFG’s elan portal.
Principal investigators and other participants must comply with the eligibility requirements of their respective funding organisations (AEI and DFG).
Proposals must demonstrate the added value of the collaboration between the German and Spanish research groups in the project and must show how each partner contributes substantially to the common project. The project must be unique and indivisible and will be evaluated as a whole.
The Spanish-German proposals will follow the same procedure as other national proposals to the respective funding organisation. The AEI will be in charge of evaluating the proposals and the DFG will use the results of the AEI´s review process for its final decision.
The two funding organisations aim to fund those projects that are among the top 20% of the proposals with the best evaluation in each thematic or technical commission. For a project to obtain funding under this modality, it will be a prerequisite that both funding organisations agree to fund it.
Each national organisation will fund its national teams according to its own funding rules and procedures.
The deadline for the submission of joint proposals will be in January 2025. The exact dates and further details will be announced in the near future.
Further Information
Contact at the DFG:
- Maria Borre, phone +228 885-2715, maria.borre@dfg.d(externer Link)
- Michael Mößle, phone +228 885-2351, michael.moessle@dfg.d(externer Link)
Contact at the AEI: