SusCrop is an ERA-Net Cofund Action under H2020, which aims to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in the field of Sustainable Crop Production through enhanced cooperation and coordination of different national and regional research programmes. In this regard, SusCrop brings together owners and managers of national and regional R&D&I programmes of EU Member States, EU-associated States and Third countries with significant experience in research funding and coordination.
First transnational call for research projects
Aim of the co-funded call
The first transnational joint call for research projects (co-funded by the EC) within the framework of SusCrop aimed at the selection of projects that will significantly contribute to the sustainable production of crops. It is intended to fund projects for a maximum of three years according to national regulations.
In a two-phase submission process, 88 eligible pre-proposals were peer-reviewed and ranked by a panel of international experts. Based on the ranking and the available national/regional funding, 26 research consortia were invited to submit a full proposal. After peer review and ranking of the full proposals by the same evaluation panel, the Call Steering Committee recommended 13 consortia for funding within the limits of available national/regional and EC funding.
The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V.) is funding partner of 4 consortia.
Funding Period
2019 - 2022
Dr. Christian Breuer
Projektträger Jülich, Germany
Agriculture and Agri-Food Kanada (AAFC) – Kanada
Contact DFG main office: