Ausschreibungen aus DFG-geförderten Vorhaben

The AO Vision Laboratory at the University of Bonn, Germany, offers two PhD positions, open immediately, for the project "Decoding human vision: cellular architecture, micro-psychophysics, and oculomotor dynamics". They are seeking enthusiastic and skilled individuals to join one of two research projects for three years with the common goal to better understand how the mosaic of light-sensitive photoreceptors of the human fovea, the functional center of human vision, is shaped and how its arrangement and oculomotor behavior is linked to visual perception.

The University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) is looking for a postdoctoral researcher for the Research Training Group WERA „Wertstoff Abwasser“ (Valuable Wastewater) from 01.07.2025. In WERA, cooperative research projects on the recovery of the important raw material phosphorus (P) from wastewater are being worked on together in the fields of process engineering, chemistry, physics and wastewater technology using novel natural scientific and engineering approaches through to technical implementation.