High-Level Meeting on Research Security in Washington

The DFG and the German Embassy organise Transatlantic Exchange

Die Teilnehmenden des Transatlantischen Austauschs posieren gemeinsam für ein Gruppenbild.

German and US-American experts met in the US capital to discuss the topic of research security. Another topic was how the centre for research security recently established in the USA could be a role model for research in Germany and Europe.

GAIN conference for science careers

Network meeting of German science abroad


The German Academic International Network (GAIN) invites early career researchers to the 24th GAIN Annual Meeting in San Francisco from 23 to 25 August. The GAIN conference is Germany’s largest networking event for international academic careers.

DFG Announces Communicator Award 2025

Recognition for outstanding science communication


The Communicator Award is presented each year to researchers or teams who make their work accessible to a wider audience in a particularly innovative, diverse and effective way. Applications and nominations for the next round can be submitted by 30 September.

DFG - German Research Foundation