International Research Marketing – “Research in Germany”
DFG focus areas and activities
From 1 April 2010 until 31 March 2023, the DFG participated in the BMBF initiative “Research in Germany“ in a joint project with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and, until 31 March 2019, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) (project International Research Marketing). Within the framework of this project, the DFG, together with its project partners, engaged in numerous marketing activities in accordance with the DFG's statutory mission. This included subject-specific activities aimed at informing international researchers as well as measures to support HEIs and non-HEI research institutions in Germany in conducting their own activities relating to international research marketing.
Vivid exchange at the “Science Breakfast”, MSE 2018
Focus areas of the DFG’s international research marketing activities under the BMBF’s “Research in Germany” initiative until March 2023:
- “International Research Marketing” ideas competition and Community Prize to promote German universities and research institutions in pursuing their own research marketing activities
- Joint appearances at international conferences to promote Germany as a research hub for specific disciplines
- Research marketing activities with the new Clusters of Excellence
- Knowledge transfer: workshops and BMBF “Research in Germany” forum for further training, dialogue between colleagues and networking among experts in Germany
- Information products geared towards specific specialists and target groups
The marketing measures were intended as a service to the German research system.
Cooperation beyond individual universities and research institutions is possible and desirable, e.g. with research in industry. Feel free to use the available information, materials and examples of good practice for the purpose of effective research marketing for your institution.
The BMBF announced in November 2022 that project funding for the DFG’s participation in the “Research in Germany” initiative would expire in March 2023. The initiative itself will continue. Information, materials and practical tips for your own international research marketing will continue to be available on the website www.research-in-germany.or(externer Link).
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