The elan Portal

The elan portal is a web-based electronic proposal processing system for DFG applicants, reviewers and committee members. The system’s responsive design enables users to access the portal from various types of devices.
Information for applicants
Applicants use the electronic elan portal to submit proposals to various funding programmes and upload correspondence and reports via their personal user accounts. Applicants may also use the portal to check the status of their proposals.
Information for reviewers
The elan portal provides reviewers with secure access to view proposal documents and deadlines and submit their statements. The portal also enables them to view the outcomes of decisions in which they took part.
Information for committee members
Committee members have a separate area in the portal to access the documents they need for decision-making and related meetings.
- elan FA(externer Link)
- elan flyer for committee members (in German only(Download)
- to the elan porta(externer Link)
Contact and elan Hotline
If you encounter any problems, please contact our hotline