Statistical Documentation on Research Funding
DFG Infobriefs
Infobriefs about Funding Politics
- DFG-Infobrief 1/2021: Coronavirus, Gender and Research Funding [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5749367(externer Link)
- DFG-Infobrief 1/2019: Handling of Research Data in DFG Individual Grants – An Analysis of Proposals in the Social and Behavioural Science(Download)
- DFG Infobrief 1/2018: The DFG Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality – Selected Findings from a Study on Implementation and Impact [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2201671(externer Link)
- DFG Infobrief 1/2016: Bridges between research and application – a statistical overview of knowledge transfer projects [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2551004(externer Link)
- DFG Infobrief 1/2015: Who Applies for DFG Grants? Statistical Trends in Proposal Submission and Applicant Demographic(Download)
Infobriefs about Funding Programmes
- DFG-Infobrief 1/2024: A Focus on Researcher Mobility – On the Involvement of Visiting Researchers in Coordinated Programmes [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13881009(externer Link)
- DFG-Infobrief 1/2023: Staying in Research. Research funding and career paths: an update [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8036896(externer Link)
- DFG-Infobrief 3/2021: Where to Go and How to Get There. The duration and completion of doctoral studies under DFG Coordinated Programmes [DOI: 10.5281/ zenodo.6021677(externer Link)
- DFG-Infobrief 2/2021: From zero to full capacity? Personnel expansion in clusters of excellence [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5749344(externer Link)
- DFG-Infobrief 2/2019: Research as a Joint Endeavour: The TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programm(Download)
- DFG Infobrief 1/2017: Recognition as an Incentive – The Career Success of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prizewinners [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2246318(externer Link)
- DFG Infobrief 2/2016: Career Paths in the Emmy Noether Programme and the Heisenberg Fellowship [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2550995(externer Link)
- DFG Infobrief 2/2015: Drivers of Internationalisation: Results from the Evaluation of International Research Training Group(Download)
- DFG Infobrief 1/2013: International Mobility in Research Training Groups an Collaborative Research Centre(Download)
- Archive of further Infobriefs from the years 2004-201(Download)
Evaluation Studies and Statistical Reports
Studies about Funding Politics
- Report on Funded Staff Positions for Early Career Researchers (2019(interner Link)
- Research Funding and Career Paths (2017(interner Link)
- Small Disciplines – Big Dynamism (2017(interner Link)
- Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality – Implementation and Impact (2017(interner Link)
- Crossing Borders – Interdisciplinary Reviews and Their Effects [10.5281/zenodo.2649008(interner Link)
Studies about Funding Programmes
- Licensing for Digital Content - Review of a DFG funding program (2021(interner Link)
- Doctoral programme lengths and doctoral degrees in DFG-funded consortia, (2021(interner Link)
- Report: The Open Access Publishing Funding Programme (2020(interner Link)
- Evaluation of Funding Programme: Specialised Information Services (2019(interner Link)
- Evaluation of Funding Programme: Information Infrastructures for Research Data (2019(interner Link)
- Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments (2018(interner Link)
- Review Process for Clusters of Excellence in the Excellence Strategy 2018 – Reviewer Survey, November 2018 [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3077603(interner Link)
- Funding for Major Instrumentation - Developments from 2007 to 2017 (2018(interner Link)
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