Publications of the Commissions of the DFG
- Permanent Senate Commission on Food Safet(externer Link)
- Permanent Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Are(externer Link)
- Permanent Senate Commission on Key Questions in Clinical Researc(externer Link)
- Permanent Senate Commission on Genetic Researc(externer Link)
- Permanent Senate Commission on Animal Protection and Experimentatio(externer Link)
- Permanent Senate Commission on Fundamental Issues of Biological Diversit(externer Link)
- Commission for Pandemic Researc(externer Link)
Permanent Senate Commission on Food Safety
- Commentary of the SKLM to the EFSA opinion on risk assessment of N-nitrosamines in food, 202(externer Link)
- Acetaldehyde as a Food Flavoring Substance: Aspects of Risk Assessment, 202(externer Link)
- Evaluation of the genotoxic potential of acrylamide: Arguments for the derivation of a tolerable daily intake (TDI value), 202(externer Link)
- Salivary nitrate/nitrite and acetaldehyde in humans: potential combination effects in the upper gastrointestinal tract and possible consequences for the in vivo formation of N-nitroso compounds—a hypothesis, 202(externer Link)
- Stellungnahme zu Acetaldehyd als Aromastoff: Aspekte der Risikobewertung, 202(Download)
- Contribution to the ongoing discussion on fluoride toxicity, 202(externer Link)
- Aspects of high hydrostatic pressure food processing: Perspectives on technology and food safety, 202(externer Link)
- Mode of action based risk assessment of genotoxic carcinogens. 202(externer Link)
- Comparison of points of departure between subchronic and chronic toxicity studies on food additives, food contaminants and natural food constituents. 202(externer Link)
- Toxicity of fluoride: critical evaluation of evidence for human developmental neurotoxicity, 202(externer Link)
- Opinion on safety aspects of the production of foods and food ingredients from insects, 201(Download)
- Opinion on safety aspects of the production of foods and food ingredients from insects, 201(Download)
- Opinion on the use of ohmic heating for the treatment of foods, 201(Download)
- Phytosterol oxidation products in foods: Analysis, occurrence, exposure and biological effects, 201(Download)
- Nitrate and Nitrite in the Diet: An approach to assess Benefit and Risk for Human Health, 201(Download)
- Toxicological evaluation of red mould rice: an update, 201(Download)
- Thermally induced/process-related contaminants: The example of acrolein and the comparison with acrylamide, 201(Download)
- Opinion on the use of plasma processes for treatment of foods, 201(Download)
- Update of the toxicological assessment of furanocoumarins in foodstuffs, 201(Download)
- Opinion on the concept of 'History of safe use', 201(Download)
- Microbial food cultures, 201(Download)
- DFG - Senate Commission on Food Safety: Isoflavones as phytoestrogens in food supplements and dietary foods for special medical purposes, 200(Download)
- DFG - Senate Commission on Food Safety: Evaluation of food supplements containing other ingredients than vitamins and minerals, 200(Download)
- Annex to the SKLM opinion "Microcystins in Algae Products Used as a Food Supplement", 200(Download)
- DFG - Senate Commission on Food Safety: Microcystins in algae products used as food supplements, 200(Download)
- DFG - Senate Commission on Food Safety: Toxicological Assessment of Furocoumarins in Foodstuffs, 200(Download)
- DFG - Senate Commission on Food Safety: Natural Constituents of Foods: Assessing the toxicity of substances administered as pure compounds compared to their ingestion as inherent food components, 200(Download)
- DFG - Senate Commission on Food Safety: Toxicological evaluation of red mould rice, 200(Download)
- DFG Senate Commission on Food Safety: The potential involvement of glutamate ingestion in chronic neurodegenerative diseases, 200(Download)
- DFG - Senate Commission on Food Safety: Opinion on Glycyrrhizin, 200(Download)
- DFG - Senate Commission on Food Safety: Safety assessment of high pressure treated foods, 200(Download)
- DFG - Senate Commission on Food Safety: Opinion on algal toxins, 200(Download)
- DFG - Senate Commission on Food Safety: Opinion of the SKLM on pyrrolizidin alkaloids in honey, bee-keeper products and pollen products, 200(Download)
- Further Information: Permanent Senate Commission on Food Safet(interner Link)
Permanent Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area
- Statement: New Approach Methods (NAMs) in the science-based derivation of limit values – current and future rol(Download)
- List of MAK and BAT Values 2023 [DOI: 10.34865/mbwl_2023_eng(externer Link)
- List of MAK and BAT Values 2022 [DOI: 10.34865/mbwl_2022_eng(externer Link)
- MAK Collection from 2020 by Publiss(externer Link)
- MAK Collection until 2019 by Wiley-VCH [DOI: 10.1002/3527600418(externer Link)
- Nanomaterials, Report, March 2013 [DOI: 10.1002/9783527673919(externer Link)
- Further Information: Permanent Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Are(interner Link)
Permanent Senate Commission on Key Questions in Clinical Research
- Statement on Reproducibility of results in Medical and Biomedical Research, March 201(Download)
- Establishing an Integrated Research and Training Programme for Clinician Scientists in Parallel to Residency Training - Recommendations by the DFG Permanent Senate Commission on Key Questions in Clinical Research, April 201(Download)
- Further Information: Permanent Senate Commission on Key Questions in Clinical Researc(interner Link)
Permanent Senate Commission on Genetic Research
- Position Paper "In support of a timely and state-of-the-art regulation of the products of new breeding techniques as a contribution to tackling multiple crises in the 21st century", 202(Download)
- Synthetic Biology - Position Paper, July 201(Download)
- Statement: The opportunities and limits of genome editing, 201(Download)
- Scientific Freedom and Scientific - Responsibility Recommendations for Handling Security-Relevant Research, 201(Download)
- Code of Conduct: Working with Highly Pathogenic Microorganisms and Toxins, 201(Download)
- Statement: "Synthetic Biology", 200(Download)
- Development of Gene Therapy, 200(Download)
- Statement by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) on the Draft Legislation to Reform the Law on Genetic Engineering, 200(Download)
- Predictive genetic diagnosis. Scientific background, practical and social implementation. Memorandum by the Senate Commission on Genetic Research, 200(Download)
- Genetic Engineering and Food, 200(Download)
- Further Information: Permanent Senate Commission on Genetic Researc(interner Link)
Permanent Senate Commission on Animal Research
- Position Paper on Securing Efficient Biomedical Research While Maintaining the Highest Animal Welfare Standards, July 202(Download)
- Animal Experimentation in Research: The 3Rs Principle and the Validity of Scientific Research. Guidelines, July 201(Download)
- Animal Experimentation in Research, 201(Download)
- Animal Experiments in Research, 200(Download)
- Further Information: Permanent Senate Commission on Animal Protection and Experimentatio(interner Link)
Permanent Senate Commission on Fundamental Issues of Biological Diversity
- Statement on the Annex to Decision CBD/COP/DEC/15/9 pursuant to Notification 2023-003 of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, March 202(Download)
- Statement about the Agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (biodiversity beyond national juristiction – BBNJ)”, July 202(Download)
- Position paper of the Permanent Senate Commission on Fundamental Issues of Biological Diversity (SKBV) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) on the document CBD/WG2020/3/L.2, June 202(Download)
- Agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, February 202(Download)
- Statement: "The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity", March 202(Download)
- Statement: "Negotiations for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)", July 201(Download)
- Further Information: Permanent Senate Commission on Fundamental Issues of Biological Diversit(interner Link)
Commission for Pandemic Research
- Statement on the current WHO Pandemic Agreement, July 202(Download)
- Statement: Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness, September 202(Download)
- Position Paper: "Coronavirus pandemic: How is it possible to prevent infection through aerosols?", July 202(Download)
- Further Information: Commission for Pandemic Researc(interner Link)
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