The DFG offers specific funding opportunities for cooperation with individual countries and regions. These are usually based on a cooperation agreement between the DFG and a foreign partner organisation. Below is a list of partner organisations and specific funding opportunities for the respective regions and countries.
The Africa/Middle East regional area includes all African countries, the Arabian Peninsula, Israel and its neighbouring countries. The regional department represents the interests of the DFG vis-à-vis regional partner organisations and supports scientific cooperation between researchers from Germany and the region. Read mor
The DFG enables research cooperation between researchers from Germany or at a German research institution abroad and researchers in developing countries in connection with a research grant for individual projects. Read mor
In Algeria, the DFG maintains relations with the General Direction of Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Argentina the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET is DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with CONICET that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. There is also an agreement with the Ministry of Science MINCYT that enables project funding under joint calls for proposals. Details of current resp. past calls for proposals and contact persons:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Austria, the Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research (FWF is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organization on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedur) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time. Further informatio
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In the Republic of Belarus the Foundation for Basic Research of the Republic of Belarus (BRFFI snd the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus (NAN) are DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with BRFFI and NANB.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Belgium the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS and the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (FWO are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the partner organisations on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedur) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
CAPE and CNP are DFG partner organisations at the federal level. There is an agreement with CAPES that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. FAPER is a DFG partner organisation in the state of Rio de Janeiro. There is an agreement with FAPERJ that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers from Germany and the state of Rio de Janeiro in response to joint calls for proposals. Details of current resp. past calls for proposals and contact persons:
FAPES is DFG's partner organisation in the state of São Paulo. The agreement with FAPESP enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects which are conducted collaboratively between researchers from Germany and the state of São Paulo at any time (Standing Open Procedure). FAPEMI is DFG's partner organisation in the state of Minas Gerais. The agreement with FAPEMIG enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects which are conducted collaboratively between researchers from Germany and the state of Minas Gerais at any time (Standing Open Procedure). The memorandum is currently inactive.
In addition, an agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with FAPESP. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences. Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platfor and contact persons.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Bulgaria the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the NSER that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time.
In Canada, the DFG also maintains relations with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI.
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with SSHRC. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Fonds de recherche du Quebéc – Société et culture is also a member of the Trans-Atlantic Platform.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platfor and contact persons.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Chile, the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID) (formerly CONICYT is the DFG partner organisation.
For the joint call for Chilean-Germa research projects in the area of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and Astronomy and Astrophysics:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In China the partner organisation of the DFG is the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC.
There is an agreement with the NSFC that enables funding in different programmes.
Applications in the programme "Initiation of International Cooperatio" can be submitted at any time.
Two funding programmes between the DFG and the NSFC are currently being established to promote networking and intensify contacts. Further information and calls for proposals will follow.
Bilateral research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country can be submitted in response to joint calls for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
Together with the NSFC, the DFG has been operating the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion (SGC in Beijing since 2000. The SGC is tasked with promoting scientific cooperation between Germany and China with a focus on the natural sciences, life sciences, engineering sciences and management sciences.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Colombia, the DFG partner organisations are the Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación (MINCIENCIAS) (formerly COLCIENCIAS the Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA and the Universidad des los Andes (UNIANDES.
There are agreements with the UdeA and UNIANDES that enable funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers from Germany and the respective university (UdeA or UNIANDES) at any time (Standing Open Procedure).
There is also an agreement with MINCIENCIAS (formerly COLCIENCIAS).
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Costa Rica, the Consejo Nacional de Rectores (CONARE is the DFG partner organisation.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Croatia, the DFG maintains relations with the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ.
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with HRZZ. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platfor and contact persons.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In the Czech Republic, the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS and the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the partner organization GACR on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedur) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects.
There is also an agreement with the CAS.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Denmark, the DFG maintains relations with the Danish National Research Foundation (DG and the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Ecuador, the Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT is the DFG partner organization.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Egypt, the DFG maintains relations with Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT and the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Estonia, the DFG maintains relations with the Estonian Research Council (ETAg.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Finland, the DFG maintains relations with the Academy of Finland (AKA.
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with AKA. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In France, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR is the DFG partner organisation.
There are various agreements with the partner organisation that enable funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. These include a joint call for proposals in the humanities and social sciences and a joint call for proposals in the natural sciences, life sciences and engineering sciences. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
The ANR is also a partner in the multilateral network of the Open Research Area (ORA) for the Social Sciences. Through ORA, funding proposals can be submitted for multilateral research projects in the social sciences in response to a biennial call for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is also in place with ANR. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Greece, the DFG maintains relations with the National Hellenic Research Foundation (EIE.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Hungary, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the MTA.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Iceland, the DFG maintains relations with the Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In India, the DFG partner organisations are the Department of Biotechnology (DBT the Department of Science & Technology (DST the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR and the Indian National Science Academy (INSA.
There is an agreement with the DST that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. Furthermore, an agreement exists with DST for the joint funding of International Research Training Groups.
There is an agreement with the INSA that enables funding proposals to be submitted for travel expenses for INSA fellowship holders to Germany.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Iran, the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHTO the Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF and the National Institute for Medical Research Development (NIMAD are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the INSF and NIMAD that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time (Standing Open Procedure).
NIMAD provides funding for the medical and life science subjects, while INSF mainly supports research projects in the natural sciences, engineering sciences and social sciences. There is a cooperation agreement with the cultural authority ICHTO in the field of cultural studies.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Ireland, the DFG maintains relations with the Health Research Board (HRB, the Irish Research Council (IRC and the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Israel, the DFG maintains relations with Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (IASH and the Israel Science Foundation (ISF.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Italy, the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR and the Villa Vigoni e.V are the DFG partner organisations. There is also an agreement with the regional government of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige.
There is an agreement with Villa Vigoni that enables funding proposals to be submitted for various event formats between humanities researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
An agreement has been concluded with the provincial government of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige that enables calls for proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers based in the respective country at any time
There is also an agreement with the CNR.
In addition, the DFG maintains relations with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Japan, AME, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST are the DFG partner organisations.
There are agreements with the JSPS and with the JST that enable funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. A MoC has been signed with AMED to jointly fund medical research through joint research projects, workshops and research visits. Details of current calls for proposals and contact person:
In Jordan, the DFG maintains relations with the Higher Council of Science and Technology (HCST.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In South Korea, the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for joint workshops and research visits expenses to establish international cooperations and – in response to joint calls for proposals – for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Latvia, the DFG maintains relations with the Latvian Science Council (LZP.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Lithuania, the DFG maintains relations with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMT.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Luxembourg, the Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organization on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedure) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects. Further information:
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time. Further information:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Malawi, the DFG maintains relations with the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Mexico, the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT is the DFG partner organisation.
Funding Opportunities for Joint German-Mexican Research Projects (UNAM-DFG):
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Mongolia the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals for travel expenses to establish international cooperations and research projects to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Morocco, the DFG maintains relations with the Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (CNRST.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In the Netherlands, the DFG maintains relations with Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO.
In July 2024, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Dutch Research Council, NWO) signed an agreement on a three-year pilot for a joint Lead Agency Procedure (open from 6 August 2024 until 30 July 2027).
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with NWO. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In New Zealand, the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) - Science and Innovation (MSI is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for travel expenses to establish international cooperations and research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Norway, the DFG maintains relations with the Research Council of Norway (RCN.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In the Philippines, the National Academy of Science and Technology of the Philippines (NAST and the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with NAST that enables funding proposals to be submitted for the establishment of international cooperation between researchers with institute headquarters in the respective country at any time, as well as with NRCP.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Poland, the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP the National Science Centre (NCN and the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the FNP regarding a call for proposals for a German-Polish science award. There is an agreement with NCN on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedure) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
There is also an agreement with the PAN.
NCN has furthermore been granted observer status for the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP). In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences. NCN is able to take part in these calls for application, so we suggest reviewing the latest call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Portugal, the DFG maintains relations with the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT.
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with FCT. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Romania, the Consiliul National al Cercetarii Stiintifice din Invatamantul Superior (CNCSIS and the Romanian Academy (RA are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the CNCSIS, as well as with the RA.
In addition, the DFG maintains relations with Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding of Romania (UEFISCDI.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
Please note the current information for new proposals and ongoing cooperation projects with Russian participatio.
Please also note the “Guide on how to deal with institutions and residents of the Crimea in German-Russian measures promoted by German government agencies, published by the Federal Government due to the extension of EU sanctions.
There are agreements on institutional cooperation with the following Russian organisations:
The DFG is currently suspending its institutional cooperation activities with Russian partner organisations. Until further notice, no joint calls for proposals will be announced.
The ongoing joint call for proposals between the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) and the DFG has been closed. As a result, the review process for all pending Russian-German funding proposals under this call has been stopped.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Offic.
In Slovakia, the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation.
In addition, the DFG maintains relations with Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Slovenia, the DFG maintains relations with the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS.
There is an agreement with the partner organization on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedur) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In South Africa, the National Research Foundation (NRF is the DFG partner organisation.
There are agreements with the partner organisation.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Spain, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII are the DFG partner organisations.
There are agreements with AEI and ISCIII.
Here you can find further information about the Second Phase of AEI-DFG Pilot Call in the Fields of Psychology, Particle and Nuclear Physics, and Atmospheric Science, Oceanography and Climate Researc.
In addition, the DFG maintains relations with the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Sweden, the DFG maintains relations with the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Science and Spatial Planning (FORMAS, to the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE and the Swedish Research Council (VR.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Switzerland the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organization on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedur) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time. Further information:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Taiwan, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC (formerly NSC, MOST) is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for preparatory workshops and travel expenses to establish international cooperations and – in response to joint calls for proposals – for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
Furthermore, there is an agreement on the funding of bilateral research training groups.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Thailand, the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Turkey, the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time Standing Open Procedure).
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
The DFG partner organisations in Ukraine are the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU and the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU.
A memorandum of understanding with NASU has been in place since 1995, and this was renewed in 2017. A letter of intent with NRFU has been in place since 2020: this provides the basis for the work that is being done on an initial joint call for project funding.
The following support and information offerings for Ukrainian researchers are currently being highlighted:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional are at the DFG Head Office.
In Great Britain, the DFG maintains relations with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI. The individual UK Research Councils responsible for the various fields are organised under this umbrella organisation.
There is an agreement with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
Furthermore, there is an agreement with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC to participate in the multilateral network of the Open Research Area (ORA) for the Social Sciences. Through ORA, funding proposals can be submitted for multilateral research projects in the social sciences in response to a biennial call for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
Both AHRC and ESRC are members of the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP). In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In the USA, the National Science Foundation (NSF, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH and the Social Science Research Council (SSRC are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the NSF that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers with institute headquarters in the respective country within the framework of joint calls for proposals. Details of calls for proposals and contact persons:
The SSRC enables funding proposals to be submitted for the establishment of international cooperation in response to a joint call for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
In addition, the DFG maintains relations in the USA with the National Institutes of Health (NIH.
Both NSF and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) are members of the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP). In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Vietnam, the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development of Vietnam (NAFOSTED is the DFG partner organisation.
NAFOSTED and DFG are launching a joint collaboration for proposals for outstanding joint research projects in all fields of science and humanities.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Algeria, the DFG maintains relations with the General Direction of Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Egypt, the DFG maintains relations with Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT and the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Israel, the DFG maintains relations with Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (IASH and the Israel Science Foundation (ISF.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Jordan, the DFG maintains relations with the Higher Council of Science and Technology (HCST.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Malawi, the DFG maintains relations with the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Morocco, the DFG maintains relations with the Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (CNRST.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In South Africa, the National Research Foundation (NRF is the DFG partner organisation.
There are agreements with the partner organisation.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In China the partner organisation of the DFG is the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC.
There is an agreement with the NSFC that enables funding in different programmes.
Applications in the programme "Initiation of International Cooperatio" can be submitted at any time.
Two funding programmes between the DFG and the NSFC are currently being established to promote networking and intensify contacts. Further information and calls for proposals will follow.
Bilateral research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country can be submitted in response to joint calls for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
Together with the NSFC, the DFG has been operating the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion (SGC in Beijing since 2000. The SGC is tasked with promoting scientific cooperation between Germany and China with a focus on the natural sciences, life sciences, engineering sciences and management sciences.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In India, the DFG partner organisations are the Department of Biotechnology (DBT the Department of Science & Technology (DST the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR and the Indian National Science Academy (INSA.
There is an agreement with the DST that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. Furthermore, an agreement exists with DST for the joint funding of International Research Training Groups.
There is an agreement with the INSA that enables funding proposals to be submitted for travel expenses for INSA fellowship holders to Germany.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Iran, the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHTO the Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF and the National Institute for Medical Research Development (NIMAD are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the INSF and NIMAD that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time (Standing Open Procedure).
NIMAD provides funding for the medical and life science subjects, while INSF mainly supports research projects in the natural sciences, engineering sciences and social sciences. There is a cooperation agreement with the cultural authority ICHTO in the field of cultural studies.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Japan, AME, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST are the DFG partner organisations.
There are agreements with the JSPS and with the JST that enable funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. A MoC has been signed with AMED to jointly fund medical research through joint research projects, workshops and research visits. Details of current calls for proposals and contact person:
In South Korea, the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for joint workshops and research visits expenses to establish international cooperations and – in response to joint calls for proposals – for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Mongolia the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals for travel expenses to establish international cooperations and research projects to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In New Zealand, the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) - Science and Innovation (MSI is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for travel expenses to establish international cooperations and research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In the Philippines, the National Academy of Science and Technology of the Philippines (NAST and the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with NAST that enables funding proposals to be submitted for the establishment of international cooperation between researchers with institute headquarters in the respective country at any time, as well as with NRCP.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Taiwan, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC (formerly NSC, MOST) is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for preparatory workshops and travel expenses to establish international cooperations and – in response to joint calls for proposals – for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
Furthermore, there is an agreement on the funding of bilateral research training groups.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Thailand, the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Vietnam, the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development of Vietnam (NAFOSTED is the DFG partner organisation.
NAFOSTED and DFG are launching a joint collaboration for proposals for outstanding joint research projects in all fields of science and humanities.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Austria, the Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research (FWF is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organization on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedur) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time. Further informatio
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In the Republic of Belarus the Foundation for Basic Research of the Republic of Belarus (BRFFI snd the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus (NAN) are DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with BRFFI and NANB.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Belgium the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS and the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (FWO are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the partner organisations on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedur) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Bulgaria the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Croatia, the DFG maintains relations with the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ.
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with HRZZ. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platfor and contact persons.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In the Czech Republic, the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS and the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the partner organization GACR on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedur) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects.
There is also an agreement with the CAS.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Denmark, the DFG maintains relations with the Danish National Research Foundation (DG and the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Estonia, the DFG maintains relations with the Estonian Research Council (ETAg.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Finland, the DFG maintains relations with the Academy of Finland (AKA.
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with AKA. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In France, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR is the DFG partner organisation.
There are various agreements with the partner organisation that enable funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. These include a joint call for proposals in the humanities and social sciences and a joint call for proposals in the natural sciences, life sciences and engineering sciences. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
The ANR is also a partner in the multilateral network of the Open Research Area (ORA) for the Social Sciences. Through ORA, funding proposals can be submitted for multilateral research projects in the social sciences in response to a biennial call for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is also in place with ANR. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Greece, the DFG maintains relations with the National Hellenic Research Foundation (EIE.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Hungary, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the MTA.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Iceland, the DFG maintains relations with the Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Italy, the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR and the Villa Vigoni e.V are the DFG partner organisations. There is also an agreement with the regional government of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige.
There is an agreement with Villa Vigoni that enables funding proposals to be submitted for various event formats between humanities researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
An agreement has been concluded with the provincial government of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige that enables calls for proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers based in the respective country at any time
There is also an agreement with the CNR.
In addition, the DFG maintains relations with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Latvia, the DFG maintains relations with the Latvian Science Council (LZP.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Lithuania, the DFG maintains relations with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMT.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Luxembourg, the Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organization on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedure) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects. Further information:
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time. Further information:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In the Netherlands, the DFG maintains relations with Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO.
In July 2024, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Dutch Research Council, NWO) signed an agreement on a three-year pilot for a joint Lead Agency Procedure (open from 6 August 2024 until 30 July 2027).
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with NWO. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Norway, the DFG maintains relations with the Research Council of Norway (RCN.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Poland, the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP the National Science Centre (NCN and the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the FNP regarding a call for proposals for a German-Polish science award. There is an agreement with NCN on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedure) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
There is also an agreement with the PAN.
NCN has furthermore been granted observer status for the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP). In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences. NCN is able to take part in these calls for application, so we suggest reviewing the latest call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Portugal, the DFG maintains relations with the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT.
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with FCT. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Romania, the Consiliul National al Cercetarii Stiintifice din Invatamantul Superior (CNCSIS and the Romanian Academy (RA are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the CNCSIS, as well as with the RA.
In addition, the DFG maintains relations with Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding of Romania (UEFISCDI.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
Please note the current information for new proposals and ongoing cooperation projects with Russian participatio.
Please also note the “Guide on how to deal with institutions and residents of the Crimea in German-Russian measures promoted by German government agencies, published by the Federal Government due to the extension of EU sanctions.
There are agreements on institutional cooperation with the following Russian organisations:
The DFG is currently suspending its institutional cooperation activities with Russian partner organisations. Until further notice, no joint calls for proposals will be announced.
The ongoing joint call for proposals between the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) and the DFG has been closed. As a result, the review process for all pending Russian-German funding proposals under this call has been stopped.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Offic.
In Slovakia, the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation.
In addition, the DFG maintains relations with Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Slovenia, the DFG maintains relations with the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS.
There is an agreement with the partner organization on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedur) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Spain, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII are the DFG partner organisations.
There are agreements with AEI and ISCIII.
Here you can find further information about the Second Phase of AEI-DFG Pilot Call in the Fields of Psychology, Particle and Nuclear Physics, and Atmospheric Science, Oceanography and Climate Researc.
In addition, the DFG maintains relations with the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Sweden, the DFG maintains relations with the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Science and Spatial Planning (FORMAS, to the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE and the Swedish Research Council (VR.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Switzerland the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organization on mutual opening of the respective individual funding procedures and programmes (lead agency procedur) in order to facilitate the implementation of bi- / trilateral research projects.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time. Further information:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Turkey, the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK is the DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with the partner organisation that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time Standing Open Procedure).
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
The DFG partner organisations in Ukraine are the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU and the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU.
A memorandum of understanding with NASU has been in place since 1995, and this was renewed in 2017. A letter of intent with NRFU has been in place since 2020: this provides the basis for the work that is being done on an initial joint call for project funding.
The following support and information offerings for Ukrainian researchers are currently being highlighted:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional are at the DFG Head Office.
In Great Britain, the DFG maintains relations with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI. The individual UK Research Councils responsible for the various fields are organised under this umbrella organisation.
There is an agreement with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
Furthermore, there is an agreement with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC to participate in the multilateral network of the Open Research Area (ORA) for the Social Sciences. Through ORA, funding proposals can be submitted for multilateral research projects in the social sciences in response to a biennial call for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
Both AHRC and ESRC are members of the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP). In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Argentina the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET is DFG partner organisation.
There is an agreement with CONICET that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. There is also an agreement with the Ministry of Science MINCYT that enables project funding under joint calls for proposals. Details of current resp. past calls for proposals and contact persons:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
CAPE and CNP are DFG partner organisations at the federal level. There is an agreement with CAPES that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country in response to joint calls for proposals. FAPER is a DFG partner organisation in the state of Rio de Janeiro. There is an agreement with FAPERJ that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers from Germany and the state of Rio de Janeiro in response to joint calls for proposals. Details of current resp. past calls for proposals and contact persons:
FAPES is DFG's partner organisation in the state of São Paulo. The agreement with FAPESP enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects which are conducted collaboratively between researchers from Germany and the state of São Paulo at any time (Standing Open Procedure). FAPEMI is DFG's partner organisation in the state of Minas Gerais. The agreement with FAPEMIG enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects which are conducted collaboratively between researchers from Germany and the state of Minas Gerais at any time (Standing Open Procedure). The memorandum is currently inactive.
In addition, an agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with FAPESP. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences. Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platfor and contact persons.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Chile, the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID) (formerly CONICYT is the DFG partner organisation.
For the joint call for Chilean-Germa research projects in the area of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and Astronomy and Astrophysics:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Colombia, the DFG partner organisations are the Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación (MINCIENCIAS) (formerly COLCIENCIAS the Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA and the Universidad des los Andes (UNIANDES.
There are agreements with the UdeA and UNIANDES that enable funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers from Germany and the respective university (UdeA or UNIANDES) at any time (Standing Open Procedure).
There is also an agreement with MINCIENCIAS (formerly COLCIENCIAS).
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Costa Rica, the Consejo Nacional de Rectores (CONARE is the DFG partner organisation.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Ecuador, the Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT is the DFG partner organization.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional departmen at the DFG Head Office.
In Mexico, the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT is the DFG partner organisation.
Funding Opportunities for Joint German-Mexican Research Projects (UNAM-DFG):
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the NSER that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers at institutes based in the respective country at any time.
In Canada, the DFG also maintains relations with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI.
An agreement for involvement in the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) is in place with SSHRC. In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Fonds de recherche du Quebéc – Société et culture is also a member of the Trans-Atlantic Platform.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platfor and contact persons.
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.
In the USA, the National Science Foundation (NSF, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH and the Social Science Research Council (SSRC are the DFG partner organisations.
There is an agreement with the NSF that enables funding proposals to be submitted for research projects to be conducted collaboratively between researchers with institute headquarters in the respective country within the framework of joint calls for proposals. Details of calls for proposals and contact persons:
The SSRC enables funding proposals to be submitted for the establishment of international cooperation in response to a joint call for proposals. Details of current calls for proposals and contact persons:
In addition, the DFG maintains relations in the USA with the National Institutes of Health (NIH.
Both NSF and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) are members of the multi-lateral collaboration Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP). In the context of calls for application that are published at irregular intervals, the T-AP allows for applications to be submitted for multi-lateral research projects in humanities and social sciences.
Please review the latest call for applications, as not all T-AP members take part in every call.
Further information about the Trans-Atlantic Platform and contact persons is available here:
Further information on cooperation and funding opportunities is available from the contact persons for the relevant regional department at the DFG Head Office.