Permanent Senate Commission on Food Safety

The mission of the Senate Commission on Food Safety is to provide scientific advice on food safety issues to the DFG Senate as well as to federal and state governments, legislatures and agencies.

Food safety and consumer health protection are top priorities for society. Constant innovations in the development of new processes and products in the food sector and a steady increase in scientific knowledge in this politically and socially often controversial field give rise to an ongoing need for scientific advice regarding the impact on food safety. The Senate’s mandate to the Permanent Senate Commission on Food Safety therefore includes advising the DFG and policymakers in this field. The Commission has held the status of a Permanent Senate Commission since 2011.

The Senate Commission exercises the freedom of research in selecting topics and setting priorities and is the only independent research-driven authority in Germany in the field of food safety. As a senate commission of the DFG, it has a longer outlook and a stronger focus on basic research than other institutions, and also discusses emerging topics in a proactive fashion. One of its main tasks is to draw up statements of principle and evaluation criteria that can provide the framework for the scientific evaluation of food ingredients and food technology processes.

As part of this activity, the Senate Commission on Food Safety also organises symposia and expert discussions, the results of which are published in the form of resolutions, statements and announcements on the DFG website and in scientific journals. The health assessment of foods, including novel and functional foods, includes the assessment of ingredients and additives as well as novel methods. The Commission addresses both on aspects of safety assessment and on questions of technological necessity and nutritional benefit.

Members of the Senate Commission(interner Link)


Cannabidiol in Food: Potential Health Risks

© Adobe Stock / New Africa

Whether in dietary supplements, chocolate, tea or jelly sweets – cannabidiol (CBD for short) has become a lifestyle trend in the food market in recent years. However, little is known about its impact on health, and CBD-containing foods currently available on the market are not officially approved. The Working Group on Food Ingredients of the SKLM has now conducted a scientific assessment of the potential benefits and risks of CBD and CBD-containing foods. 

To the article(interner Link) I  To the publication(externer Link)


Further Information

Publications(interner Link)

Commission Secretariat

  • Dr. Sabine Guth
  • Dr. Angelika Roth
  • Dr. María A. Villar Fernández

Senate Commission on Food Safety
Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors (IfADo)
Ardeystraße 67
44139 Dortmund
Phone: +49 (231) 1084-256
Fax: +49 (231) 1084-308


Dr. Anke Deggerich
Telephone: +49 (228) 885-2049