Chronology of Funding Programmes

Since 1951 the DFG has gradually introduced new programmes into its range of funding instruments. The following programmes have joined the Individual Grants Programme (Normalverfahren), given this name in 1952.

Since 1951
  • Individual grants
  • Research fellowships
  • Funding for scientific libraries and information systems
1952 - 2007Research sabbaticals
Since 1953Priority Programmes
Since 1955Grants for the fulfilment of international obligations
Since 1956Mercator visiting professorships
Since 1957Central research facilities
1959 - 2008Funding for conference trips
1961 - 1975Habilitation fellowships
Since 1959Grants for conference and lecture trips to non-European countries and Central and Eastern Europe
Since 1961Exchange of researchers with the Soviet Union
Since 1962Research Units
Since 1964
  • Meteor research vessel
  • Max Kade fellowships
Since 1968Collaborative Research Centres
1971 - 2006Review of proposals received for the purchase of major instrumentation in accordance with the Act on Furthering Construction in Higher Education (Hochschulbauförderungsgesetz)
Since 1972Funding of international scientific events in Germany
Since 1977Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize
Since 1978Electronic publishing
Since 1978Heisenberg Programme
1985 - 1998Postdoctoral programme
Since 1986Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Programme
1988 - 2000Gerhard Hess Programme
1988 - 2002Clinical Research Units
Since 1990
  • Research Training Groups
  • Albert Maucher Prize
Since 1994Central research facility: KoWi (European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations)
Since 1994Major instrumentation initiatives
1994 - 2001Centres of Excellence (Innovationskollegs) in former East Germany
1995 - 2007Humanities Research Centres
Since 1997
  • Eugen and Ilse Seibold Prize
  • Cataloguing and digitization at scientific libraries
Since 1998German-Israeli project cooperation
Since 1999
  • Emmy Noether Programme
  • CRC/Transregios
  • International Research Training Groups
Since 2000Communicator Award
2000 - 2009Centres of Advanced Studies (Forschungskollegs)
Since 2001
  • Research Centres
  • Temporary positions for principal investigators
Since 2002
  • Transfer projects
  • Bernd Rendel Prize
Since 2003
  • Clinical trials
  • Scientific networks
2003 - 2010Service centres for research information
Since 2004Ursula M. Händel Animal Welfare Prize
2004 - 2007EURYI Award
Since 2005
  • Excellence Initiative
  • Heisenberg professorships
  • von Kaven Awards
2005 - 2015Central research facility: Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance - IfQ
Since 2006
  • Copernicus Award
  • Return grants
Since 2006Central research facility: Maria S. Merian research vessel
Since 2007

Infrastructure priority programmes
Review of proposals for major instrumentation in the following programmes:

  • „Scientific Equipment as Part of the DFG's Major Research InstrumentationProgramme as per Art. 91b GG”
  • „Research Buildings as per Art. 91b GG"
  • „State Major Instrumentation Programme"
Since 2008Reinhart Koselleck projects
Since 2008Humanities Centres for Advanced Studies

These additional programmes pursued various defined objectives in the context of the DFG's funding strategies, namely

  • to improve the dissemination of research findings (conferences, congresses),
  • to award individual, outstanding researchers (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, Gerhard Hess Prize),
  • to provide sustainable support and advancement for young researchers (habilitation fellowships, postdoctoral programme),
  • to provide particular support for cooperation at a specific location or within its transregional network (e.g. Priority Programmes, Research Units, Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups, Research Centres), and
  • to improve research infrastructure (e.g. major equipment, Central Research Facilities).

Further Information

An overview of all the DFG programmes is available in the Funding section