Dr. Maren Tiemann Programme Director

Excellence Strategy and Research Impulses
E-mail: maren.tiemann@dfg.de Telephone: +49 (228) 885-3249 Telefax: +49 (228) 885-713320

Kennedyallee 40
53175 Bonn


General Responsibilities
Einrichtung, Finanzierung, Organisation der Begutachtung und Ergebnisbewertung sowie Betreuung von Exzellenzclustern (EXC), Forschungsimpulsen (FIP), SFB einschließlich SFB/Transregio (TRR) und, DFG Forschungszentren (FZT)

Coordinated Programmes (procedural matters)

61 A calibrated and virtual multiscale wave measurement laboratory to enhance and complement flow measurements: From basic research to industrial application
1430 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell State Transitions