Dr. Nikolai Raffler Programme Director
Life Sciences 1: Molecular and Organismic BiologyKennedyallee 40
53175 Bonn
General Responsibilities |
Knowledge Transfer |
Synthetic Biology |
Scientific Areas of Responsibility
Main Contact | |
2.11-01 | Biochemistry |
2.11-07 | Bioinformatics and Theoretical Biology |
Deputy Contact | |
2.11-02 | Biophysics |
2.11-04 | Structural Biology |
Coordinated Programmes (scientific matters)
Exzellenzcluster | |
2068 | Physics of Life: The Dynamic Organization of Living Matter (PoL) |
2189 | CIBSS - Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies |
Forschungsimpulse | |
26 | CytoTransport - Mechanisms and Modulation of Cellular Transport processes |
Graduiertenkolleg | |
2202 | Transport across and into membranes |
2424 | Computational Methods for Oncology: Towards Personalized Therapies in Cancer |
2467 | Intrinsically Disordered Proteins – Molecular Principles, Cellular Functions, and Diseases |
2550 | Dynamic regulation of cellular protein localization |
2566 | Interfacing image analysis and molecular life-science (Imol) |
2606 | Understanding protease functions in cellular pathways through discovery and analysis of protease substrates (ProtPath) |
SFB/Transregio | |
186 | Molecular Switches: Spatio-temporal Control of Cellular Signal Transmission |
319 | RMaP: RNA Modification and Processing |
Sonderforschungsbereich | |
1309 | Chemical Biology of Epigenetic Modifications |
1381 | Dynamic organization of cellular protein machineries: From biogenesis and modular assembly to function |
1423 | Structural Dynamics of GPCR Activation and Signaling |
1507 | Protein Assemblies and Machineries in Cell Membranes |
1551 | Polymer Concepts in Cellular Function |
1557 | Functional Plasticity encoded by Cellular Membrane Networks |
1638 | Cellular membrane remodelling – how changing form creates function |
Coordinated Programmes (procedural matters)
Forschungsgruppe | |
1905 | Structure and Function of the peroxisomal Translocon (PerTrans) |
2509 | The concert of dolichol-based glycosylation: from molecules to disease models |
2518 | Functional dynamics of ion channels and transporters - DynIon - |
Schwerpunktprogramm | |
1927 | Iron-Sulfur for Life |
2191 | Molecular Mechanisms of Functional Phase Separation |
2416 | CodeChi - Chitin, chitosan and chito-oligosaccharides and their interaction with proteins of the extracellular matrix and cellular signaling |
2453 | Integration of mitochondria into the cellular proteostasis network |