Dr. Thea Göhring Programme Officer

Research Careers
E-mail: thea.goehring@dfg.de Telephone: +49 (228) 885-3235 Telefax: +49 (228) 885-713320

Kennedyallee 40
53175 Bonn


Cross-functional Tasks
Policy Issues and Quality Assurance
Research Training Groups within Germany
Research Training Groups in North Rhine-Westphalia (Düsseldorf, Köln)

Coordinated Programmes (procedural matters)

2158 Natural products and natural product analogs against therapy-resistant tumors and microorganisms: new lead structures and modes of action
2212 Dynamics of Conventionality (400–1550)
2550 Dynamic regulation of cellular protein localization
2578 Impact of genotoxins on the differentiation efficacy of murine and human stem and progenitor cells and functional competence of thereof derived differentiated progeny
2591 Template-designed organic electronics (TIDE)
2661 Connecting – Excluding. Cultural Dynamics Beyond Globalized Networks
3110 Tumor Heterogeneity and Genomic Instability in Lung Cancer – From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Implications