Collaborative Research Centres

Cross-functional Tasks

Task Contact
CRC Funding Guidelines

Münker, Thomas Dr.

Redöhl, Brit

Clinical Trials, Animal Experimentation, Stem Cell Research

Wiegner, Oliver Dr.

Equal Opportunities, Work-Life Balance

Sangenstedt, Susanne Dr.

Monitoring, Annual Data Collection

Schoch, Karen Dr.

Science Communication CRC

Matheus, Ricarda Dr.

University Collaborations

Schoch, Karen Dr.

von Gliscynski, Ursula Dr.

General Responsibilities

Task Contact
Establishment, funding, organising review and evaluation of results of CRCs including CRC/Transregios (TRR), DFG Research Centres (FZT) and Clusters of Excellence (EXC)

Beilein, Matthias Dr.

Bock, Heike Dr.

Ebertshäuser, Thomas Dr.

Kosmata, Eva

Leiska, Christoph Dr.

Matheus, Ricarda Dr.

Münker, Thomas Dr.

Neuert, Helen Dr.

Redöhl, Brit

Sangenstedt, Susanne Dr.

Schoch, Karen Dr.

Weeber, Frederike Dr.

Wiegner, Oliver Dr.

Zirpel, Bettina

Zwerger, Monika Dr.

von Gliscynski, Ursula Dr.

Policy Issues for Collaborative Research Centres including Programme Variations and Clusters of Excellence

Zittartz-Weber, Suzanne Dr.

Programme Coordination

Task Contact
Early Career Researchers

Leiska, Christoph Dr.

Zirpel, Bettina

Information Infrastructure

Redöhl, Brit

Integrated Research Training Groups

Leiska, Christoph Dr.

International Collaborations in Europe

Redöhl, Brit

International Cooperation (outside Europe)

Sangenstedt, Susanne Dr.

Knowledge Transfer (incl. Transfer Projects)

Beilein, Matthias Dr.

Support of DFG Statutory Bodies

Task Contact
Grants Committee on Collaborative Research Centres

Zittartz-Weber, Suzanne Dr.

Senate Committee on Collaborative Research Centres

Zittartz-Weber, Suzanne Dr.