Sino-German Center for Research Promotion

General Responsibilities

Task Contact
Development of Strategic Events of CDZ

Krüßmann, Ingrid Dr.(externer Link)

Schlepper, Gerrit Andreas(externer Link)

Schuberth, Ylva Dr.(externer Link)

Director of the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion on the German Side

Krüßmann, Ingrid Dr.(externer Link)

Information on Research Cooperations and Consultation on Funding Activities

Krüßmann, Ingrid Dr.(externer Link)

Nauroozi, Djawed Dr.(externer Link)

Schlepper, Gerrit Andreas(externer Link)

Schuberth, Ylva Dr.(externer Link)

Processing of Proposals on the German Side in the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion

Schuberth, Ylva Dr.(externer Link)

Scientific Cooperation in Bilateral Basic Research

Krüßmann, Ingrid Dr.(externer Link)

Nauroozi, Djawed Dr.(externer Link)

Schuberth, Ylva Dr.(externer Link)

Strategic Orientation of the CDZ

Krüßmann, Ingrid Dr.(externer Link)

Schlepper, Gerrit Andreas(externer Link)

Vice Director of the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion on the German Side (Funding)

Schuberth, Ylva Dr.(externer Link)

Vice Director of the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion on the German Side (Strategy and Administration)

Schlepper, Gerrit Andreas(externer Link)