In an online conference on 25 October Heinz Meier-Leibnitz prizewinner Dr. Tobias Meng and Dr. Haruna Katayama explored the "Quantum Frontier" and presented their research "Towards Unifying Quantum Physics and General Relativity from Electric Circuits".
Dr. Tobias Meng
© Tobias Ritz
Dr. Tobias Meng, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Prizewinner of 2022 and leader of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group "Quantum Design" at Technische Universität Dresden explained some of the big challenges the field is facing today, and presented examples of how to tackle these.
Dr. Haruna Katayama, Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering at Hiroshima University gave insight into her cutting-edge research where she proposes an analogue black hole in a superconducting circuit to verify Hawking radiation in a laboratory setting.
The talks demonstrated that research in Quantum Physics might not only lead to a “Theory of Everything” but also to very practical new technological applications.
Dr. Haruna Katayama
© Katayama
The event was presented by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), Deutsches Wissenschafts- und Innovationshaus Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo, German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo) and Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University
The event can now be revisited on the DWIH Tokyo YouTube channel:
You can find further information on the event websit.