EU Open House in Washington D.C.

The many giveaways at the joint DFG-DAAD booth disappeared quickly
(13.05.23) On May 13, the European Union and its embassies in Washington, D.C., opened their doors to the public for a day of culture, food, music and more. More than 7,000 guests attended the joint Franco-German appearance at the French Embassy, where the DFG Office joined partners to provide information about Germany as a research location.
As in previous years, the event was co-hosted by Germany and France. Culinary specialties from both countries, live music, and numerous hands-on activities awaited visitors in the gardens and on the premises of the French Embassy. Despite the rainy forecast, long queues formed in front of the embassy gates from 9:00 am onwards. The DFG and DAAD’s joint stand also benefited from the crowds. Since the EU Open House is aimed at a very broad target audience, it is a good opportunity to promote Germany as a research location with a comparatively broad impact.
The EU Open House always takes place on the first Saturday after "Europe Day" on May 9. On this day in 1950, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman held a speech proposing the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), marking the beginning of today's European Union.