“Research in Germany” at the MIT European Career Fair 2024

„Research in Germany” at the MIT European Career Fair 2024

The RiG team (from l. to r.): Bettina Schuffert and Dana Cowlishaw, DFG Office North America; Anne Oberle-Brill, GAIN/DAAD USA; Madeline Friedrich, American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
The RiG team (from l. to r.): Bettina Schuffert and Dana Cowlishaw, DFG Office North America; Anne Oberle-Brill, GAIN/DAAD USA; Madeline Friedrich, American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
On March 2, 2024, the 28th European Career Fair took place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, organized by the MIT European Club. Around 3,000 interested parties registered, mainly from the Boston area. However, the attractive range of information on offer also convinced visitors from New York to make the trip to Boston. Around 100 European exhibitors -- including universities and companies as well as research and funding institutions -- offered a wide range of information on career opportunities in Europe.
Information material at the booth
The DFG's North American office, together with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), provided advice on the funding programs of the institutions. As the majority of visitors to the booth were students in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs and doctoral candidates, information on funding for internships, doctoral and postdoctoral phases was in particularly high demand. Other German exhibitors included the Universities of Stuttgart and Freiburg and the Technical Universities of Munich and Braunschweig as well as the Max Planck Society and the Leibniz Association.

„Research in Germany” at the MIT European Career Fair 2024

Dispensing research career advice at the booth
Dispensing research career advice at the booth
Following the career fair, the Consulate General in Boston and the German Academic International Network (GAIN) organized an information event on Sunday morning. In addition to insights into the German research and funding landscape, there was the opportunity to exchange ideas and ask detailed questions at topic-oriented tables with the German exhibitors from the career fair - an opportunity that the guests made good use of.