(21.05.13) In mid-May the German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) in Moscow issued a special publication highlighting selected activities of the DWIH and its members between 2010 and 2012. The highlights have been many, thanks to the German-Russian Year of Science 2011/12 and Russia's Germany Year 2012/13.
Working in close partnership with the German embassy, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the DFG successfully established various new event formats under the auspices of the DWIH. These included the first research forum between senior representatives of the DFG and RFFI (Russian Foundation for Basic Research) (2010), roundtable discussions with the rectors of leading Russian universities (2011), the launch of the DFG Leibniz Lectures in Russia (2012) and the first two German-Russian Young Researcher Week events in Kazan (2011) and Yekaterinburg (2012).
The brochure also describes other events and projects coordinated by the DWIH and includes forewords by the German ambassador Ulrich Brandenburg, the State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Georg Schütte, DAAD President Margret Wintermantel, DFG President Matthias Kleiner, and the chairperson of the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce, Michael Harms. The brochure can be downloaded from the website of the DFG.