(25.06.15) At the beginning of June the President of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG) paid a first visit to the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), which was established in 2014. During the meeting in Moscow the heads of the DFG and RSF signed a cooperation agreement enabling the joint funding of German-Russian projects in selected areas of mathematics and physics. The RSF is the third major funding organisation in Russia with which the DFG carries out joint project funding.
The 20th anniversary of the partnership between the DFG and RFBR, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, which the two funding organisations celebrated in Moscow in June, also signalled the beginning of a new partnership. The Russian Science Foundation (RSF), established last year, and the DFG agreed to develop institutional cooperation. Alongside the RFBR and the RFH, the Russian Foundation for the Humanities, the RSF is the third - and in terms of budget the largest - Russian funding organisation with which the DFG has agreed to offer joint project funding for basic research.
This gives researchers in both countries the opportunity to propose bilateral research projects, initially in physics and mathematics, the research areas covered by DFG review boards 307-312, but also through the RSF. To apply for joint funding from the DFG and RSF, the partners in a collaborative project must submit their proposals separately to the funding organisation responsible in accordance with their respective requirements, i.e. the German researchers to the DFG and the Russian researchers to the RSF. Collaborative projects will only be funded if both organisations make a decision in favour of funding. The deadline for German researchers is 15 September 2015. More information can be found in the DFG's Information for Researchers No. 43.
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