The DFG presented its funding portfolio for German-Russian scientific cooperation at a DWIH information seminar in Perm
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(27.05.19) At the scientific forum "Science and Global Challenges of the 21st Century" at Perm State University (PSU), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) used the information seminar organised by the German House for Research and Innovation in May as an opportunity to outline the funding activities of the DFG in an international context as well as specific funding instruments for Russian researchers and German-Russian project financing.
During a seminar, approximately 100 scientists, students, researchers, teachers and administrative representatives of local universities in the university town of Perm had the opportunity to gain an insight into the German research funding landscape and receive individual advice in the discussion that followed. Information seminars also allow the DFG to obtain a better understanding of the needs of the scientific community outside the Moscow region, which was particularly well facilitated this time with the format being incorporated into a two-day scientific forum. Russian and international researchers used the event as an opportunity to touch upon specialist topics, such as climate change, palaeoecology and information technologies. In addition to the DFG, other German organisations presented their profiles and programmes in the area of science and innovation, including the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Helmholtz Association, the Free University of Berlin, the University Alliance Ruhr and representatives of the German federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony.
Opening of the German-Russian Science Days at Perm University
This year's science events are organised under the auspices of the German-Russian Year of University Cooperation and Research 2018–2020, opened by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Maas and his Russian counterpart Sergej Lawrow in December 2018, with the objective of intensifying university cooperation and scientific exchange and building trust between Germany and the Russian Federation.
Perm University was founded as a traditional university in 1916 and has been a National Research University since 2011. With five universities and the Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the city of Perm is one of the most important research locations in Russia. Alongside the RFBR, the DFG funds German-Russian cooperation projects in Perm. The DFG Priority Programme in the field of magnetic hybrid materials (spokesperson: Professor Stefan Odenbach, TU Dresden) is a flagship project in which research is carried out alongside the Perm Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics (Ural Branch of the RAS).