Expansion of cooperation with partner organizations in Africa

(09.02.23) The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the National Research Foundation South Africa (NRF) propose a new 3-year (2023-2025) partnership to support the Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI).
The SGCI was launched in 2015 to strengthen the capacities of Science Granting Councils (SGCs) in Sub-Saharan Africa to support research and evidence-based policies that can contribute to economic and social development. In this context, the design and implementation of South-South scientific collaborations between Science Granting Councils (SGCs) in Sub-Saharan Africa will be strengthened.
The DFG and NRF have been implementing their first partnership in support of the SGCI covering the period 2019-2022. Through this partnership, the DFG joined the SGCI by focusing on specific activities, anchored on collaborative research projects and engagement with researchers. More specifically, this may include preparatory meetings for calls, learning visits for colleagues as well as network activities.
Under the new partnership, the NRF and DFG propose the following work packages:
- Capacity strengthening of SGCs in research management and maintaining effective governance controls
- Support and capacity strengthening of SGCs in bi- and multilateral research funding, as well as engagement with other SGCs beyond the continent
- Support councils to integrate gender and inclusivity in research activities
A flagship of the DFG/ NRF partnership in the SGCI is the hosting of annual academic symposia that bring together scientists to discuss research topics of interest and allow for engagement with other scientists and SGCs beyond the SGCI network.
The primary goal is to promote measures facilitating concrete scientific projects. In this way, a conducive framework for successful collaboration with the German scientific communities is advanced.
For further information on the work of the SGCI visit their Websit(externer Link).