Towards joint Jordanian-German Research on Water Nexus
Jordanian-German Dialogue on Further Cooperation in the Field of Water Research

Impressions of the status workshop

Group picture of the workshop participants from Jordan and Germany
© TH Lübeck
Group picture of the workshop participants from Jordan and Germany
© TH Lübeck
On 18 and 19 April 2024, the 12 projects being funded under the DFG call for proposals to initiate international cooperation between researchers at German universities of applied sciences and partners in Jordan in the field of water research came together at Technische Hochschule Lübeck.
The 25 participants were welcomed by the President of TH Lübeck, Dr. Muriel Helbig, as well as by TH Lübeck’s Vice President for Research and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Karen Cabos. Head of International Affairs and Integrative Activities Dr. Harald von Kalm welcomed the group on behalf of the DFG.
Group Work
© TH Lübeck
Prof. Dr. Radwan Al-Weshah of the University of Jordan opened the subject-specific programme on the first day of the event with a keynote speech on the topic “Sustainable Water Resources Management using the WEFE Nexus in Jordan”.
Splitting up into a number of working groups, participants then exchanged views on the strengths and potential of Jordanian-German research cooperation as well as desiderata. On this basis, possibilities were identified for further research in the area of the water nexus so as to tap into possibilities in the face of current and future challenges.
Opening the second day, panellists Prof. Dr. Muna Hindiyeh (German Jordanian University), Prof. Dr. Bernd Klauer (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research), Prof. Dr. Petra Schneider (Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences) and Hmoud Abu Hazim (National Center for Security and Crisis Management, Jordan) discussed new approaches and methods required in the field of water research under the title “New Momentum to Water Nexus Research in Jordan”.
Group Work
© TH Lübeck
In a DFG info session, participants were advised on specific follow-up funding opportunities enabling project ideas currently in receipt of funding under the “Initiation of International Collaboration” programme to be transferred into full DFG projects – in connection with an individual research grant, for example, or under the Walter Benjamin Programme.
The event was organised as part of the DFG initiative “Networking for Research – Universities of Applied Sciences and Researchers Worldwide (UDIF-HAW)”, which targets universities of applied sciences by offering networking opportunities, delegation trips and workshops, thereby supporting them in expanding their international research network.