(27.05.21) For the second year in a row, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) decided to hold its annual meeting virtually in light of the COVID 19 pandemic. Divided into two conference weeks in April and May, the worldwide cancer research community met for virtual exchange in lectures, symposia, in poster sessions and also in a virtual exhibition hall with an integrated conference networking tool.
Instead of at a large conference center in the USA, the "Research in Germany" initiative, organized by the DFG, presented itself to more than 15,000 visitors from all over the world on a virtual exhibitor site.
The comprehensive information on the exhibitor site included videos, links and brochures on research, and funding opportunities for international scientists in the field of cancer research in Germany.
Visitors were able to contact "Research in Germany" representatives at any time via a conference-wide networking tool.
For their appearance at the virtual AACR this year, the following institutions joined forces under the label "Cancer Research in Germany" to present the cancer research landscape in Germany:
Ein Blick in die virtuelle Messehalle des AACR-Karrieretages
The virtual exhibitor hall at the AACR was not the only place where "Cancer Research in Germany" could be found. At the AACR's special event, the "AACR21 Virtual Cancer and Biomedical Research Career Fair,” young scientists in particular were able to obtain advice on funding opportunities and specific job offers from outstanding German cancer research institutions such as the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) or the Cluster of Excellence "Image-Guided and Functionally Instructed Tumor Therapies (iFIT)" at the University of Tübingen.
Das Podium des „Research in Germany“-Onlineseminars zu Karrierewegen in der Krebsforschung
The highlight of the various "Research in Germany" activities during the two AACR weeks was the online seminar entitled "Career Opportunities in Cancer Research in Germany" organized by the International Research Marketing Team, the DFG’s medicine devision, and the DFG's North America Office.
The panel consisted of international scientists working in Germany: Priya Chudasama (German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Heidelberg), Marissa Dubbelaar (Cluster of Excellence "Image-Guided and Functionally Instructed Tumor Therapies iFIT, Tübingen), Heike Pahl (University Medical Center Freiburg) and André Ferreira Martins (University Medical Center Tübingen and Cluster of Excellence "Image-Guided and Functionally Instructed Tumor Therapies iFIT, Tübingen). The panelists discussed why they decided to pursue a scientific career in Germany and which funding programs of the German Research Foundation and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation have supported them.
The more than 60 participants from all over the world were able to put their questions to the panelists via chat and were rewarded with very individual answers and valuable advice. "Identify what you're most interested in" and "follow your passion" - preferably at a top cancer research location in Germany!
More information on cancer research in Germany::
More information on the AACR Annual Meeting 2021: