Professor Dr. Johannes Grave - Vice President of the DFG
Academic career
Jahr | Beschreibung |
since 2019 | Professorship (W2, since 2021 W3) in Modern Art History at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena |
2015 | Offer of appointment as professor (W3) in Art History at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (rejected) |
2012 | Post-doctoral lecturing qualification at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Basel |
2012 - 2019 | Professor (W2) of Historical Image Science/Art History at the Bielefeld University |
2009 - 2012 | Deputy Director of the German Center for Art History/ Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art, Paris |
2009 | Assistant at the Art History Seminar of the University of Basel and staff member of the NCCR Iconic Criticism; work (on a contract basis) for Klassik Stiftung Weimar |
2005 - 2009 | Research assistant with the NCCR Iconic Criticism at the University of Basel; summer semester 2007: Junior Visiting Professor at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena |
2005 | Doctorate at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena |
2001 - 2005 | Research assistant with CRC 482: Phenomenon Weimar-Jena. Culture around 1800 at the University of Jena |
2001 | Four-month study visit to Rome |
1996 - 2000 | Studied art history, medieval Latin philology, medieval history in Freiburg i. Br.; degree: Master of Arts |
Academic positions
Jahr | Beschreibung |
since 2022 | Membre titulaire des Comité international d’histoire de l’art |
since 2022 | Member of the coordination team of the profile Liberty at FSU Jena |
since 2021 | Member of the Réseau International pour la Formation à la Recherche en Histoire de l’Art |
2020 - 2023 | Member of the jury for Johannes Zilkens Dissertation Prize of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation |
2018 - 2023 | Member of the Senate and Grants Committee for DFG Collaborative Research Centres |
since 2018 | Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Klassik Stiftung Weimar, since 2021: chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board and Member of the Foundation Board of Klassik Stiftung Weimar |
2018 - 2019 | Member of the Supervisory Board of Kunsthalle Bielefeld |
2017 - 2022 | Member of the Board of the Verband Deutscher Kunsthistoriker (representing the professional group of universities and research institutes) |
2017 - 2022 | Member of the Board of CRC 1288 “Practices of Comparison” at the Bielefeld University (2017-2019: also deputy spokesperson of the CRC) |
2015 - 2019 | Co-editor of Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte |
since 2013 | Co-editor of Regards croisés. Revue franco-allemande d’histoire de l’art et d’esthétique |
since 2009 | Founding member of the Weimar Research Centre for European Classicism (2009-2016: member of the Executive Board) |
Member of advisory boards of journals, book series, publishing companies: Bielefeld University Press (BiUP) (since 2019); journal 21: Inquiries into Art, History, and the Visual. Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte und visuellen Kultur (since 2020); book series Neue Romantikforschung (since 2021).
Awards and fellowships
Jahr | Beschreibung |
2020 | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize awarded by the DFG |
2017 | Fellowship of the Centre for Advanced Studies BildEvidenz. History and Aesthetics, Freie Universität Berlin |
2015 - 2016 | Part-time fellowship in the Research Group The Ethics of Copying at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld |
2014 - 2015 | Senior fellowship at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald |
2013 | Awarded the Hans Janssen Prize for European Art History by the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities |
1996 - 2001 | Fellowship holder of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation |
Third-party-funded projects
Jahr | Beschreibung |
2021 - 2024 | Project Bild-Vergleiche. Praktiken der Unvergleichbarkeit und die Theorie des Erhabenen in CRC 1288 |
2019 - 2024 | Participation in the DFG Research Training Group 2041 The Romantic Model. Variation – Scope – Relevance |
2017 - 2021 | DFG project Time and Rhythm in Pictures. An aesthetic concept and its implications from the point of view of reception aesthetics in SPP 1688, together with Reinhard Wegner |
2017 - 2020 | Project Comparative Viewing of Pictures: Practices of Incomparability and the Theory of the Sublime in CRC 1288, together with Britta Hochkirchen |
2017 - 2020 | Project Making of: Humanities in CRC 1288, together with Jürgen Büschenfeld |
2015 - 2018 | Project Parerga und Paratexte. Wie Dinge zur Sprache kommen. Praktiken und Präsentationsformen in Goethes Sammlungen (BMBF funding), together with Christiane Holm, Cornelia Ortlieb and Wolfgang Holler |
2014 - 2017 | DFG project Picture – perception – time. Reception aesthetics and its temporality, as part of the DFG Priority Programme Proper Times of the Aesthetic in SPP 1688, together with Reinhard Wegner |
2009 - 2013 | Project Cultural Transfers in Weimar Classicism (BMBF funding), together with Andreas Beyer and Thorsten Valk |
Selected publications
- Bild und Zeit. Eine Theorie des Bildbetrachtens, Munich: C. H. Beck, 2022.
- Bildpräsenz. Über das schwierige Verhältnis von Bild und Gegenwart bei Goethe, in: Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 94 (2020), pp. 219-236.
- Annunciation and Assumption: Notes on a Particular Constellation in the Carafa Chapel, in: Filippino Lippi. Beauty, Invention and Intelligence, ed. by Paula Nuttall, Geoffrey Nuttall and Michael W. Kwakkelstein, Leiden: Brill, 2020, p. 209–227.
- Giovanni Bellini. Venedig und die Kunst des Betrachtens, Munich: Prestel, 2018 (English trans.: Giovanni Bellini. The Art of Contemplation, London/New York: Prestel, 2018).
- Architekturen des Sehens. Bauten in Bildern des Quattrocento, Paderborn: Fink, 2015.
- Caspar David Friedrich, Munich 2012, 2nd updated ed. Munich: Prestel, 2022 (English trans.: Caspar David Friedrich, London/New York: Prestel, 2012; 2nd ed. 2017; 3rd revised ed. 2023).
- Caspar David Friedrich. Glaubensbild und Bildkritik, Zurich/Berlin: diaphanes 2011 (French trans.: À l’œuvre. La théologie de l’image de Caspar David Friedrich, Paris: Éditions de la MSH, 2011).
- Der “ideale Kunstkörper”. Johann Wolfgang Goethe als Sammler von Druckgraphiken und Zeichnungen, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006.
- Landschaften der Meditation. Giovanni Bellinis Assoziationsräume, Freiburg i. Br.: Rombach, 2004.
- Caspar David Friedrich und die Theorie des Erhabenen. Friedrichs “Eismeer” als Antwort auf einen zentralen Begriff der zeitgenössischen Ästhetik, Weimar: VDG, 2001.