Professor Dr. Kerstin Schill - Vice President of the DFG since 2019

Portrait of the member of the Executive Committee - Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schill

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schill


1993Doctor of Human Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
1987Diplom in Computer Science, Technische Universität München
1979 - 1987Study of Computer Science, Technische Universität München
1977 - 1979Study of Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität München

Research Experience

since 2018Rector of Hanse‐Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst 
(Institute for Advanced Study)
since 2003Professor (W3) of Computer Science, Director of Cognitive Neuroinformatics, University of Bremen
1993 - 2003Postdoc and leader of the "Computational Intelligence" Research Group, Institute of Medical Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
1987 - 2003Research assistant, Institute of Medical Psychology, 
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


since 2019Vice-President of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), e.g. Chair of the Committee of Experts “NFDI- National Research Data Infrastructure”, Chair of the Senate Working Group “Digital Turn in the Sciences and Humanities”
2018 - 2020Member of the DFG Expert Commission on the Sciences and Humanities in the Digital Age
since 2017Deputy spokesperson and board member of CRC “EASE: 
Everyday Activity Science and Engineering”
2014 - 2018Senator of the DFG
2013 - 2019Spokesperson for key research area “Minds, Media, Machines”, 
University of Bremen
2012 - 2018Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 
University of Bremen
2012 - 2014Member of DFG review board “Computer Science”
2010 - 2014Board member of CRC/TR8 “Spatial Cognition” and spokesperson for the Integrated Research Training Group

Advisory board/board of trustee memberships and selection activities include: Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS, Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, OFFIS, ZDIN (Center for Digital Innovations), Stiftung Bremer Wertpapierbörse.

Current third-party-funded projects

2017 - 2025CRC EASE: Everyday Activity Science and Engineering, project H1 (2nd phase): Sensorimotor and Causal Human Activity Models for Cognitive Architectures, project leader, DFG
2017 - 2025CRC EASE: Everyday Activity Science and Engineering, project H3 (2nd phase): Discriminative and Generative Human Activity Models for Cognitive Architectures, project leader, DFG
2017-2023VIPE, Neurocomputational Operations in the Periphery of the Visual System, project leader C. Zetzsche, German-American cooperation, NSF/BMBF
2022 - 2025IMAREX-Intelligent Maritime Exploration, consortium management, BMWK
2022 - 2025VAMEX 3- Robust Ground Exploration, consortium management, BMWK
2023 - 2025Safety Control Centre, project, BMWK
2023 - 2026Triple GNC-Guidance, Navigation and Control, project, BMWK

Relevant publications

  • Visual-Inertial Odometry aided by Speed and Steering Angle Measurements (Andreas Serov, Joachim Clemens, Kerstin Schill), in 25th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, 2022.
  • Extended Object Tracking on the Affine Group Aff(2) (Lino Antoni Giefer, Joachim Clemens, Kerstin Schill), in 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, 2020.
  • Kalman Filter with Moving Reference for Jump-Free, Multi-Sensor Odometry with Application in Autonomous Driving (Joachim Clemens, Constantin Wellhausen, Tom Luca Koller, Udo Frese, Kerstin Schill), in 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, 2020.
  • From Human to Robot Everyday Activity (Celeste Mason, Konrad Gadzicki, Moritz Meier, Florian Ahrens, Thorsten Kluss, Jaime Maldonado, Felix Putze, Thorsten Fehr, Christoph Zetzsche, Manfred Herrmann, Kerstin Schill, Tanja Schultz), in 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020.
  • Multi-Sensor Fusion and Active Perception for Autonomous Deep Space Navigation (David Nakath, Joachim Clemens, Kerstin Schill), in 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, 2018.
  • Neural Computation of Statistical Image Properties in Peripheral Vision (Christoph Zetzsche, Ruth Rosenholtz, Noshaba Cheema, Konrad Gadzicki, Lex Fridman, Kerstin Schill), in Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision (MODVIS), 2017.
  • Evidential Object Recognition Based on Information Gain Maximization (Thomas Reineking, Kerstin Schill), in Belief Functions: Theory and Applications, Springer Science + Business Media, 2014.
  • A belief-based architecture for scene analysis: from sensorimotor features to ontological knowledge (Kerstin Schill, Christoph Zetzsche, Johanna Hois), in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, v. 160, 10, 2009.
  • A model of attention and recognition by information maximization (Kerstin Schill), in I. Itti, G.Rees and J. Tsotsos: Encyclopedia of the neurobiology of attention, Academic Press, Elsevier, invited article, 109, 2005.
  • Hybrid architecture for the sensorimotor representation of spatial configurations (Kerstin Schill, Christoph Zetzsche, Johannes Wolter), in Cogn Process, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 7, 2006.