Committee on Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (AWBI)
The task of the Committee on Scientific Library Services and Information Systems is to advise the DFG on all projects and measures relating to the development and support of scientific libraries and information systems. This includes the planning, final assessment and success monitoring of projects in the areas of Acquisition and Provision; Indexing and Digitisation; Scholarly Communication, Research Data, e-Research; and Acquisition of Complete Collections and Literary Remains. For defined tasks the AWBI can make use of expert committees and ad hoc working groups, initiate workshops and meetings of experts, or invite experts to contribute to its meetings.
The AWBI plays an advisory role with respect to the DFG's national and international partnerships in the field of information infrastructure. These include the Digital Information Initiative of the Alliance of German Science Organisations and the DFG's membership of the Knowledge Exchange network and Science Europe.
It has 18 members representing the full thematic spectrum of scientific information infrastructures and the various scientific disciplines. Both the providers and users of infrastructures are represented on the committee. Members of the AWBI are appointed by the Joint Committee for four years. The AWBI is managed by the Scientific Library Services and Information Systems division (LIS).
Further Information
E-mail: |
Johannes. |
Telephone: | +49 (228) 885-2418 |