Symposium “Clinician Scientists: Structured Academic Qualification Programmes in Parallel to Specialist Training”
18 - 19 February 2016
Participants discussed issues concerning the implementation and funding of structured training programmes.
© Alexander Schober
At the invitation of the DFG, a symposium entitled “Clinician Scientists: Structured Academic Qualification Programmes in Parallel to Specialist Training” was held in Bonn on 18 - 19 February 2016. A total of 86 participants from the scientific community, medical faculties and research funding organisations discussed issues concerning the funding, design and establishment of programmes for clinician scientists. The symposium focused on:
- Stocktaking, exchange, benchmarking and networking among programme coordinators
- Challenges and strategic objectives for clinician scientist programmes
- Funding opportunities
Further information
- Report (in German only(Download)
- Programme (in German only(Download)
- List of participants (in German only(Download)
Symposium presentations (in German only)
- Introduction, Leena Bruckner-Tuderman, Freibur(Download)
- MD/PhD and Clinician Scientist Programme in Germany, Esther von Stebut-Borschitz, Mainz(Download)
- The Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine (TransMed), Esther von Stebut-Borschitz, Main(Download)
- Sektion Clinical Sciences, Graduate School of Life Science (GSLS), Peter Heuschmann, Würzbur(Download)
- Munich Medical Research School (MMRS), Promotionsmöglichkeiten für Mediziner, Alice Edler, Münche(Download)
- BIH-Charité Clinical Scientist Programm, Duska Dragu(Download)
- Junge Akademie der MHH – Konzeption und Erfahrungen aus der ersten Förderperiode, Christopher Baum und Sabine Barlach, Hannove(Download)
- Nachwuchsförderprogramm für junge Mediziner - Scientific Education and Experiences for Medical Doctors (SEED.projects), Sabine Blass-Kampmann, Münste(Download)
- Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung, Susanne Schultz-Hector, Bad Hombur(Download)
- Clinical Scientists: Zum Beitrag der Stiftung Charité, André Lottmann, Berli(Download)
- Graduiertenkollegs der DFG, Frank Pitzer, Bon(Download)
- Impulsvortrag Strukturierte Weiterbildungsprogramme in der akademischen Medizin, Annette Grüters-Kieslich, Berli(Download)
- Erfahrungsbericht, Janina Müller-Deile, Hannove(Download)
- Erfahrungsbericht, Richard Taubert, Hannove(Download)
- Erfahrungsbericht, Daniel Teschner, Main(Download)
- Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine, Christoph Borner, Freibur(Download)
Symposium posters (in German only)
- MOTI-VATE, Tobias Böttler, Freibur(Download)
- NeoCuMLMU, Andreas Flemmer und Orsolya Genzel-Boroviczény, München(Download)
- Else Kröner Forschungskolleg für junge Ärztinnen und Ärzte, Simone Fulda, Frankfur(Download)
- Förderprogramme der Medizinischen Fakultät Tübingen – Das Clinician Scientist-Programm, Sabine Garbrecht-Büttner, Tübinge(Download)
- The Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) - Sektion Clinical Sciences, Peter Heuschmann, Würzbur(Download)
- SUCCESS, Lena Illert, Freibur(Download)
- PhD/Dr. rer. nat. und Facharzt in einem Programm, Hans-Joachim Lipps, Witten/Herdeck(Download)
- Karriereentwicklung im IFB-Tx, Anette Melk, Hannove(Download)
- PhD Program Experimental Medicine, Otto Müller, Tübinge(Download)
- DZIF Academy, Cauleen Noël, Münche(Download)
- Strukturierte Qualifizierungsprogramme an der TUM – Fakultät für Medizin, Katrin Offe, Münche(Download)
- Clinician Scientist Programs at Ulm University, Lysann Palkowitsch, Ul(Download)
- Clinician Scientist - Duale Karriere als forschender Arzt in der translationalen Forschung, Chantal Rabe, Göttinge(Download)
- Clinician Scientist Ausbildung an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Magdeburg, Anne Teller und Thomas Fischer, Magdebur(Download)
- Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine (TransMed), Esther von Stebut-Borschitz und Petra Schwarz, Main(Download)