Review Committee on Membership Applications

The Review Committee on Membership Applications is a standing committee of the DFG Senate. The committee advises applicant institutions during the admission process. Article 3 of the DFG’s statutes, which stipulates the conditions for admission into the DFG, serves as a guideline for the work of the committee.

Its task is to review applications for membership in the DFG. Membership is open to:

  • Higher education institutions which conduct research of general importance
  • Other institutions which conduct research of general importance
  • Academies which belong to the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, for their academic categories
  • Scientific or academic societies of general importance which are conducive to the purpose of the association
  • Members of the Committee(interner Link)

Further Information


Kathrin Denter
Telephone: +49 (228) 885-3236