Recommendations and statements
Permanent Senate Commission on Genetic Research
Online Publications
- Recommendations on Reducing Bureaucracy and Harmonising the Implementation of Genetic Engineering Legislation in Relation to Genetic Engineering Activities at Safety Level S1, 2024 (in German only(Download)
- Positioning "In support of a timely and state-of-the-art regulation of the products of new breeding techniques as a contribution to tackling multiple crises in the 21st century", 202(Download)
- Towards a scientifically justified, differentiated regulation of genome edited plants in the EU (in German and English), 201(Download)
- Statement on the position of the National Ethics Council – “Interventions in the human germline”, 2019 (in German only(Download)
- Position Paper Synthetic Biology (in German and English), 201(Download)
- Human genome sequencing – challenges to responsible use in science (in German only), 201(Download)
- The opportunities and limits of genome editing (in German and English), 2015(Download)
- Code of Conduct: Working with Highly Pathogenic Microorganisms and Toxins, 201(Download)
- Statement "Do Interpretations of the ECJ Judgment on Embryos Affect Stem Cell Research?", 201(Download)
- Statement on the Debate Surrounding a Biobank Law (in German only), 201(Download)
- Statement "Synthetic Biology" (in German and English), 200(Download)
- Recommendations for Working with Highly Pathogenic Microorganisms and Toxins (in German only), 200(Download)
- Stem Cell Research in Germany – Possibilities and Perspectives (in German only), 200(Download)
- Summary and Recommendations by the DFG on Stem Cell Research in Germany – Possibilities and Perspectives (in German only), 200(Download)
- Developement of Gene Therapy, 200(Download)
- Genetic Engineering and Food, 200(Download)
Print Publications (in German only)
- Predictive Genetic Diagnostics, 2003
- Recommendations by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft on Research Involving Human Stem Cells, 2001
- Human Genome Research and Predictive Genetic Diagnostics: Possibilities – Boundaries - Consequences, 1999
- Genetic Research and Patenting, 1996
- Genetic Engineering and Food, 1996
- Planning and Executing Clinical Trials in Somatic Cell and Gene Therapy in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1995
The updated German/English print version was published in April 2007 by the Wiley-Verlag under the following title:
For information about DFG publications, please contact DFG’s Press and Public Relations Office, + 49(0) 228/885-2109 or presse@dfg.d(externer Link).
Publications Concerning the Work of the Senate Commission on Genetic Research
Online Publications
- Statement on the Destruction of a GM Field Trial in Gießen (in German only), 200(Download)
- Statement “Research into the Safety of Green Genetic Engineering Must Not be Blocked” (in German only), 200(Download)
- Statement "Genetic Engineering Laws" (in German only), 200(Download)
- Statement "Genetic Engineering and Food" (in German only), 200(Download)
Print Publications (in German only)
- Statement on Human Embryonic Stem Cell, 1999
- Statement on Perspectives in Genome Research, 1999