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Measures to Raise Awareness in the Area of Equity and Diversity

Knowledge and sensitivity for the topic of equity and diversity as well as raising awareness of (unconscious) prejudice (bias) in science-driven decision-making processes are important with regard to removing structural barriers and disadvantages, and for promoting a diversity-sensitive working culture and cultural shift towards a research system that ensures equity and diversity.  It is thus possible to use the Standard Allowance for Equity and Diversity to fund relevant awareness-raising measures for all researchers involved in the project – irrespective of their gender. The reference to the project is usually made through the participating individuals who are actively involved in the project as researchers. 

Examples include the following:

  • Workshops for the acquisition of gender and diversity skills – both for project leaders and for employees in the project/network.
  • Awareness-raising training for project leaders before the start of the project focused on the selection and recruitment process for staff to be employed on the project. The requirement for the latter is that for the early start of a measure, a proposal to this effect is submitted to the responsible contact person within the DFG and that the measure is approved based on a plausibility check.
  • Awareness-raising events on the topic of “bias” and on the handling of prejudices/stereotypes in science and the humanities or specifically in scientific decision-making processes or selection processes.
  • Anti-discrimination measures and events.
  • Gender-sensitive events on the topic of “leadership” or events on the topic of “leadership of diverse teams”.
  • Information events or workshops on the relevance of sex, gender and diversity in research content (cf. www.dfg.de/vielfaeltigkeitsdimensionen). 

Further Information

Funding at a Glance

Contact persons

Here you will find the right contacts at the DFG Head Office for various matters.