International Mobility in Research
Migration has contributed to and enriched the diversity of research in Germany. However, migration can also bring with it a number of challenges for those involved. Cultural differences, language barriers, career delays caused by the migration process, and legal obstacles to immigration can all impede an academic or scientific career.
Personal situations are as unique as the individuals themselves. While some people may have left their home country long before choosing a research career and may struggle to obtain formal recognition of their qualifications, others may relocate in order to pursue their research interests in an optimum environment.
DFG funding allows researchers to carry out high-quality projects. This applies both to researchers who come to Germany from other countries and those who want to work abroad with DFG funding. To remove potential obstacles, facilitate the submission process and allow participation in Germany's self-governing research system, the DFG:
- promotes migration in research and international collaborations in its programmes
- provides individual advice to researchers
- provides an English-language website
- accepts proposals in English
- allows participation in DFG review board elections in English
- incorporates intercultural skills in employee training programmes at the DFG Head Office