Researchers with Disabilities or Long-Term Illnesses in DFG Funding Procedures
It goes without saying that people with disabilities or long-term illnesses (over three months per year) can submit proposals under all DFG programmes. As far as necessary and possible within the framework of the DFG’s statutory remit, the specific situation of this group of people is appropriately taken into consideration both during the proposal submission process and in the implementation of the project. The details are outlined below.
Proposals submitted by people with disabilities or long-term illnesses are subject to the same general criteria for eligibility, review and evaluation as set out in the respective programme information. In the overall evaluation of a proposal with regard to academic achievements to date, however, a disability or long-term illness may be appropriately taken into account (in the assessment of the individual’s academic career to date and publication performance, for instance). Where necessary, the DFG also offers advice to people with disabilities or long-term illnesses regarding specific aspects of the proposal submission process. If you have further questions about the proposal submission process due to your particular circumstances, please contact the DFG Head Office.
Staff working on DFG-funded projects are usually employed by the research institution under an employment contract. If the employment of people with disabilities gives rise to additional project-specific costs that cannot be reimbursed elsewhere (e.g. through integration agencies), these can be funded from the Standard Allowance for Equity and Diversity or through the reallocation of funds (cf. the funding guidelines relating to the project in question); such additional costs can also be covered by a supplemental proposal if necessary.
The DFG does not offer special programmes exclusively for researchers with disabilities or long-term illnesses.
Further Information
- Details provided in connection with special personal circumstances or hardship application(interner Link)
- Measures to Promote Diversit(interner Link), cf. in particular the dropdown box “Additional requirements due to a disability”
- Services and Information for Persons with Disabilitie(interner Link)
- Refugee Researcher(interner Link)
Here you will find the right contact perso(interner Link) at the DFG Head Office for various concerns.