Schmuckbild: Umgang mit Forschungsdaten - Forschungsförderung

Research data in connection with the funding programmes

In principle, all funding programmes that describe a concrete work programme for a research project must include a description of how the research data will be handled. 

On this page you will find information on how to consider your approach to handling research data in connection with the DFG’s various funding programmes.

For details of the costs that are eligible for funding, see:

Individual projects

In connection with a research grant, the expectation is that the handling of research data is described as part of the work programme. Comparable requirements apply to the Walter Benjamin Programme and the Emmy Noether Programme. If suitable methods for data processing do not yet exist or there are no data infrastructures for making the data available, the research grant can also be used to develop methods or to establish and expand data infrastructures. Compatibility with existing structures and a concept for maintenance after funding ends are essential approval criteria. As a rule, it will be possible to draw on existing approaches and structures in connection with a research grant.

For an overview of existing data infrastructures, see:


Project-specific descriptions about data handling should be descripted in section 2.4 of the project description. Please arrange your description along the provided questionnaire.

It is possible to apply for funding to cover the costs incurred for managing data and for making it available for subsequent use. Core Support is expected to provide research institutions with up-to-date technical and organisational equipment for handling and archiving research data for the purpose of reproducing published research results.

Comparable requirements apply to the Walter Benjamin Programme and the Emmy Noether Programme.

Projects involving a consortium

If your consortium uses, generates and/or processes data, include the essential information on the handling of this data in your draft proposal and in the full proposal in section 2.3 “Research data and knowledge management”. Explanations relating to the specific projects are to be provided in section 2.4 of the project descriptions. Please use this questionnaire(Download) as a basis.

Please also describe how the institutions involved in the consortium will contribute to data and information management.

Note that you can apply for funding to cover project-specific costs incurred by the collection of research data as part of the coordination project or else in connection with specific projects, if this option makes more sense in terms of subject matter.

As part of your initiative to establish a Priority Programme, you should also elaborate on concepts and considerations for the subsequent handling of the research data generated by the programme. Please use this questionnaire(Download) as a basis. In doing so, take into account subject-specific standards and make use of available infrastructures for research data whenever it makes sense to do so.

Note that after establishing the Priority Programme, you can apply for funding to cover project-specific costs incurred by the collection of research data as part of the coordination project or in connection with the specific projects, if this option makes more sense in terms of subject matter.

Collaborative research centres allow researchers to tackle innovative, challenging, complex and long-term research undertakings through the coordination and concentration of individuals and resources within the applicant universities. In this context, there is an expectation that data management will be adequate and well thought out. Descriptions should be included as part of the proposal description. Please arrange your description along the provided questionnaire.

Please also describe how the institutions involved in the consortium will contribute to data and information management. Core Support is expected to provide research institutions with up-to-date technical and organisational equipment for handling and archiving research data for the purpose of reproducing published research results.

Note that you can apply for funding to cover project-specific expenses incurred by the management of research data as part of the coordination project or in connection with specific projects, if this option makes more sense in terms of subject matter.

If you are planning to set up or expand a specific infrastructure in your CRC to support data management within the consortium, you can apply for an INF project.

For further information, see:

If your project uses, generates and/or processes data, list the essential information on the handling of this data as part of the CRC research programme. Please use this questionnaire(Download) as a basis.

Please also describe how the institutions involved in the consortium will contribute to data and information management. Core Support is expected to provide research institutions with up-to-date technical and organisational equipment for handling and archiving research data for the purpose of reproducing published research results.

Please keep in mind that project-specific costs for data management could be applied as part of the modul “Research training group” as “Other costs”.

CRCs are also well suited to teaching skills in handling research data and aspects arising from the digital turn. You are welcome to use the qualification and mentoring support concept in the proposal to describe relevant concepts for teaching skills or for overcoming the specific challenges in these areas.

In funding programmes where research questions are worked on jointly within the consortium and structural stimuli are developed in addition to the research topics themselves, the expectation is that the handling of research data in the consortium research programme is described in the draft and in the proposal itself. Unlike individual projects, collaborative projects offer the opportunity to develop a joint concept for handling research data, not just intensifying academic collaboration but also drawing on this as an aspect of initial and continuing education within the consortium. If suitable methods for data processing do not yet exist or there are no data infrastructures for making the data available, the concept can also focus on the development of methods or the establishment and expansion of data infrastructures. Compatibility with existing structures and a concept for maintenance after funding ends are key approval criteria.

For an overview of existing data infrastructures, see:


It is possible to apply for funding to cover the costs incurred for managing data and for making it available for subsequent use. Core Support is expected to provide research institutions with up-to-date technical and organisational equipment for handling and archiving research data for the purpose of reproducibility of research results published by consortia.