Dr. Julia Borst - Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prizewinner 2021
Romance Literary Studies, University of Bremen
Dr. Julia Borst
© Julia Borst
In her dissertation, Julia Borst devoted herself to a topic that had not previously received much attention in the field of Romance studies: the fictionalisation of the traumatic experience of violence in the post-Duvalier era in the contemporary Haitian novel. In her habilitation on contemporary Afro-Hispanic diaspora literature, being written as a DFG-funded Principal Investigator, she is currently devoting herself once again to a subject that has hardly received attention to date. Her research is already considered an important point of reference and contributes to anchoring the work of Afro-Hispanic authors – still a very under-researched area – within the field of Romance studies. Borst also made an important contribution to the as yet nascent field of Black Holocaust Studies. The striking features of Borst’s work are her multilingualism, her theoretical and methodological versatility and her dialogue-based, ethically responsible approach.