DFG Funding Activities in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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This report provides key figures relating to grant applications, to the procedures for processing proposals and to international cooperation during the height of the pandemic. The report also offers insights into research funding relating to epidemics, pandemics and COVID-19, and it provides a substantive classification of funding proposals in this thematic area.
The analyses indicate an increase in the number of proposals submitted during the pandemic. Yet the processing duration remained stable despite this increased receipt of proposals. The demand for funding of mobility-related international projects declined in the field of international research projects, although there was a continuation of the rising trend in the number of proposals received for internationally oriented funding procedures that do not imply travel activities. The overall proportion of funding proposals for research projects involving participants from outside Germany remained stable during the pandemic, even if shifts were observed in the countries of origin of these international participants.
In addition to these findings, the report offers further detailed consideration of the processing procedure and the proposal activities, for instance with regard to the demographic composition of the applicants and the subject-specific proposal volume.