Evaluation of Funding Programme: Specialised Information Services

The DFG has been promoting the development of cross-regional, high-performance and usage-based information infrastructures for research with the Specialised Information Services (FID) funding programme since 2014. Prognos AG was commissioned to conduct an evaluation study to assess the achievement of the funding objectives after five years.
In the evaluation, the perspectives of the FID providers, the researchers making use of the programme and the scientific libraries were taken into consideration as channels for the dissemination and further development of FID services. Key topics of the study are the development of FID strategies to meet special requirements, the establishment and maintenance of convenient archiving and search systems, the provision of digital media, communication with other FIDs, user satisfaction, quality of supply and contact with users.
The starting point for the study was an online survey of responsible applicants of the 38 specialised information services funded up until the study was published. The perspective of the FID providers was complemented by libraries without FID, as well as researchers who are actual users and those who are potential users. Quantitative (survey, secondary analysis) and qualitative (interviews, case studies, focus group discussions) data was collected for all groups involved. In addition to conclusions drawn from the study, the AWBI commission developed its own recommendations for further developing the programme on the basis of these results. These recommendations form an important foundation for the further development of the Specialised Information Services programme.