Startbild: Jährliche Erhebungen in koordinierten Programmen

Annual Surveys in Coordinated Programmes

How many people are financed by Excellence Strategy funds? How many doctorates are completed in Research Training Groups, Collaborative Research Centres an Research Impulses? What new professorships have been established in clusters of excellence? 

To answer questions like these in relation to the Excellence Strategy, Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups and Research Impulses, the DFG issues regular statistical reports and evaluative studies. To supplement the data collected during the processing of proposals, the DFG carries out annual survey of funded research groups.

The next annual survey for Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups, Clusters of Excellence and Research Impulses will be will start on September 2025.

Further information will be sent to the spokespersons by e-mail in July.

(Last revised: 2024 survey)

Ideally, you should collect the data of the persons involved in your network/cluster in advance of the survey. This data must be entered in the survey instrument after the start of the actual survey phase. If the data to be collected is not available to you centrally or is incomplete, you can ask participating researchers directly using the support questionnaire.

As such, this support questionnaire is a tool that you can use as needed. You can choose between two file formats, RTF document and PDF form.

Please note: The support questionnaire is available in two versions which differ depending on the funding programme:

  • one questionnaire for Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups and Research Impulses 
  • one questionnaire for Clusters of Excellence

Please give the questionnaire to the individual staff members for whom you do not have complete data or where the data you have is not up to date. Individual staff members are to enter their data in the support questionnaire and return the document to the person responsible for the survey. The collected data is then entered in the survey instrument centrally by the respective network.

Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups and Research Impulses:



Clusters of Excellence:



Here you can view a guide to the online survey(Download) (in German only) instrument explaining what it contains and how it works.

With this import file(Download) (in German only) you can collect certain information of your scientific staff and upload it to the survey tool.

Please use the subject classification system by the Federal Statistical Office(Download) for individuals who have newly joined a group.

The FAQs(interner Link) (in German only) below provide answers to frequently asked questions about the survey.

The data collected is treated as confidential and it is always anonymised before being used, i.e. it is not published in such a way that it can be linked to a particular individual.

Please refer to the information on data protection in relation to DFG research funding(interner Link) (see point IV, under point 10). Please share this information with individuals whose data is processed by the DFG due to the fact that they are involved in your project.

The survey pages for a research group can only be accessed by the group itself via the access code. Pages are protected against misuse by third parties.