Costa Rican-German Collaboration in Research
Initiation of international cooperation between DFG and the Costa Rican National Council ofUniversity Rectors (CONARE)
In order to establish a basis for a joint research initiative between Germany and Costa Rica, researchers from both countries have the possibility to apply for funds for mobility within the regular programmes of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Costa Rican National Council of University Rectors (CONARE). If such a research cooperation is established, funding for joint international research projects can be applied for.
On the German side, researchers being eligible at DFG can submit joint international proposals within the regular funding instrument “Initiation of International Cooperation”.
On the Costa Rican side, researchers being eligible at CONARE and its programmes have to submit a proposal to CONARE, in parallel, according to Fondo del Sistema guidelines specific for Max Planck and DFG projects.
For approved joint initiation proposals costs of the German side will be funded exclusively by DFG and all costs of the Costa Rican side will be funded exclusively by CONARE. Therefore, DFG will not fund costs of the Costa Rican side and CONARE will not fund costs of the German side.
The submission of joint proposals is possible at any time during the year. There are no submission deadlines within the programmes for the initiation of an international collaboration. Proposals have to be written in English and must be submitted to both organisations in parallel in accordance with the proposal preparation requirements of each side, respectively. For German researchers, this means submission via the DFG elan system according to the guidelines for the programme “Initiation of International Collaboration” (DFG form 1.813).
Researchers who are eligible at DFG can only apply for the share of costs for German researchers. Therefore, applications to DFG within this initiative can only apply for the components “Exploratory Workshops” and “Trips Abroad” of the DFG form 1.813. These components can be combined if they are in close temporal relationship and if it facilitates the efficient preparation of a subsequent joint research project (see below).
Researchers who are eligible at CONARE can only apply for the share of costs for Costa Rican researchers.
Proposals will be separately reviewed by both organisations. The results of the review process will be exchanged by the agencies. Funding will be granted for those proposals where both, DFG and CONARE, recommend funding. Unilateral funding of only one part of a joint initiative will not be possible.
It is important for DFG applicants to note that there are no special funds available for these efforts, proposals must succeed on the strengths of their intellectual merit and teams in competition with all other proposals in the respective DFG funding scheme.
The purpose of the funding of mobility in the form of an “Exploratory Workshop” and “Trips Abroad” is to prepare a specific joint project or to explore possibilities of specific, topic-related collaboration. Therefore, after the successful realisation of workshops and visits, researchers have the opportunity to apply for research grants for joint international projects. At DFG, research proposals would have to be submitted according to the guidelines of the Research Grants Programme (DFG-form 50.01) and at CONARE according to Fondo del Sistema guidelines specific for Max Planck and DFG projects. Please note that for the submission of research grants, CONARE has set a deadline during May of each year.
If you intend to submit a joint international research grant proposal, please contact DFG and CONARE first (contact details see below) in order to get more information.
If you have general questions regarding the German Costa-Rican research cooperation – also for aspects, which are not covered in this “information for researchers” – please feel free to contact DFG and CONARE.
Further information
For researchers in Germany:
Initiation of International Collaboration, DFG form 1.813:
The general guidelines for the Research Grants Programmes can be found at:
The Guidelines for the Research Grants Programme (form 50.01) and the Proposal Preparation Instructions – Project Proposals (form 54.01) can be found at:
The DFG’s electronical portal “elan” can be found at:
Further information on elan:
- elan flyer: - elan FAQ:
Contact person at the DFG in Bonn, Germany:
- Dr. Dietrich Halm
+49 228 885-2347
dietrich.halm@dfg.d(externer Link)
Contact person at the DFG Office Latin America in São Paulo, Brazil:
- Dr. Kathrin Winkler
+55 11 5189 8308
latinamerica@dfg.d(externer Link)
Contact person at the CONARE in Pavas, San José, Costa Rica:
- Sharlín Sánchez Espinoza
+506 2519-5744 Link)